Guess Who's Back?

Hello everyone. Yes, I'm back! It has been a while hasn't it? I thought, after having rather a long break, and having completed my second year at university, I'd start blogging again :)

If you've been following me and my blog for a while, then you'll remember the old schedule, which consisted of me posting every Wednesday and Sunday. This schedule is now changing. I have decided to upload posts every Friday. Giving myself a whole week to plan, construct and write a blog post means the quality will hopefully be much better and therefore more enjoyable for you guys. It also gives you something to look forward to at the end of the working week.

I won't be going into detail about why I took such a long break, all you need to know now is I'm back, and I have a few posts ready to go live already, so come back next week for a brand new blog post :)

Also don't forget, all my social media accounts are still very active, so check out the links below or click the icons at the top of every page if you feel like a browse, and I will see you soon!



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