Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Today's post is like nothing I have done before. I was nominated to do this by a fellow blogger, it's meant to be a tag, but I don't really want to treat it like that, I don't want to include any rules, or tag anyone else. I just want to keep it completely informal. If you want to do this tag then feel free and let me know that you've done it! You'll get the premise of the post as you read on! Enjoy :)


So yesterday, Wednesday as you read this, was a very special day. This was the day I got to meet my best friend's brand new, gorgeous baby boy. We met in a cosy little coffee shop and I had a very long cuddle with him! I have never seen a baby so beautiful and also so placid, despite it being a bit noisy, he never stirred from his slumber. It's a day I will remember for the rest of my life!


Today I have caught a train to Leicester, on my way to a workshop where I will register and learn about a fantastic opportunity that has been presented to me. After working so hard to complete my degree, I'm now starting to reap the rewards. I won't talk about it on my blog, for now anyway, but I will talk in depth about it closer to Christmas, when my adventure into the big wide world has come to an end, so keep your eyes peeled for that one!

Later on today, I will be going to Nottingham's famous Autumn experience, Goose Fair. It's been going on for years and we like to go and check it once a year, when it rolls around. I go for the mushy peas and mint sauce, I won't lie. It's totally worth the trek!


Tomorrow is Friday, and I have a driving lesson. I'm nearing the end of my learning experience, hoping to pass either just before Christmas, or just after. There's no rush in my opinion. Afterwards, I'll be revising for my driving theory test, hoping to take it within the next week! How exciting :)


I hope you enjoyed this post, as I've already said, feel free to give it a go yourself and let me know so I can read them! I also hope you're having  fab weekend. See you soon guys and gals!




