Top 4 Unconventional Ways To Spend Valentines Day

It will soon be that time of year, once again, where V-Day makes a wonderful appearance. But often, it can be very samey, a bit cliché and basically, a bit of a money maker for the consumer industry. But what if I told you that you could still celebrate the popular day, without buying into all the conventions? It's easier, and a lot more fun than you might think!

Spend the 13th Apart & the 14th Together

A lot of people may not like this one, or it isn't plausible for a relationship where you cohabit for example. But let's say you live apart...don't see your Significant Other the day before Valentines. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so by the time the 14th rolls around, you'll both be ready to fall back into each others arms, and probably at less of a cost. Suddenly, spending money on expensive meals and cuddly toys won't seem so important and you'll be happy watching EastEnders with left over Christmas chocolates with no makeup on and in your comfiest PJs. You'll be happy doing that, as you'll both be together again!

Spend the Day Giving Back, Together

This one is all about charity and giving back to the community. It's such a lovely thing to do independently, let alone doing it with the person you love. It brings out the best in everyone and you may learn something beautiful about your partner. Volunteer at a local food bank, bake some cakes for charity, take an elderly neighbour with you for a coffee or offer to do their shopping for them. Do something for others, spread the love in a different way, it will all be worth it.

Be Collectively Gratuitous

This one is something that could be quite an emotional activity for you and your partner. Sit down and write a list of everything you're grateful for about your partner. People say that actions speak a thousand words, taking the time out and the effort to do this for your partner means so much more than tacky toys and bottle of Champagne. It will also bring you closer together.

Focus on your Bodies & your Souls will Follow

Show your bodies some love this V-Day. What does your body love to do? What makes you feel better having done it? It doesn't have to be exercise either. Giving someone a thank you note, giving money to charity, helping an elderly neighbour can all bring you joy and happiness. If you get this from exercise, that's ok too! You could love running, swimming, cycling, but whatever it is, incorporate your partner into it as well. Make it a day of inclusion. If your partner doesn't usually go to the gym with you, let them come, if you volunteer at a homeless shelter, bring your partner too. You might want to start eating healthier, perhaps cook a delicious veggie meal together. There's so much you can do!


I hope you found this post useful, what will you be doing this V-Day? Did this give you any ideas or do you treat it as if it's a normal day? How do you spend it if you're single? I'd love to hear all of your ideas! I'll see you soon with a new post and Happy Valentines Day :)





The image included within this post is not mine. No copyright infringement intended. Photograph sourced from here.


  1. Greetings! Very helpful advice in this particular post!
    It is the little changes that make the greatest changes.

    Many thanks for sharing!


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