Ask Lorna | Christmas, Instagram Filters & Day Job?

Yes, it has been a while and for that, I do apologise, however, I am back with what should be a rather entertaining post. I asked on my Instagram and Twitter for some questions for me to answer for today's post, and it's here that I will answer them :) If you have asked me a question either on Instagram or Twitter, I will also give you some shout outs ;) If you have anything you wish to ask me, leave it as a comment below or via one of my social networking sites at the end, I hope you enjoy :)

I will always tell people that blogging would be a great thing to do, and I stick by that 100%, especially if you love writing, its a great way to get your material out there for people to read and enjoy, and that's something that I get from this, that is the reason why I started blogging in the first place, as a hobby. If you have some spare time on your hands, even just a spare couple of hours on a Sunday, and something you maybe want to advocate or advertise to people, then do it. You can write about anything you want, from the lipstick you've been loving this month to a post about body confidence, don't feel pressurised to stick to one genre either, write about what you want and be genuine, you'll soon attract some loyal followers :) I wish you luck should you start a blog in the future!

My favourite song right now is Ed Sheeran's 'Thinking Out Loud'. I have it on repeat on my phone and listen to it whenever I have a spare minute or 2, and that isn't an exaggeration ;) I'd love to know what your favourite songs are right now :)

This is a hard one for me to answer as I love everything about Christmas, but my favourite thing has to be the fact that everyone seems much happier, more generous, more charitable as we know that there are always going to be people worse off than you. I like to donate to homeless charities  for that very reason. I also love it when the Christmas lights come on, and it gets darker earlier and you can hear Christmas music playing, everyone is wrapped up warm, bustling around town with their bags of Christmas shopping, I just can't pin point one single thing to be honest, but then again, who can ;)

I use Valencia ALL THE TIME, I don't edit my photos in any other way, I literally just put a filter on them, hope that helps :)

For me, dark reds and purples around Autumn time are my favourite colours to wear. I  particularly love a Rimmel London 60 Second nail polish in Rapid Ruby, I recommend that one especially!

I am a customer assistant at my local Tesco Express and I really enjoy it, everyone is so lovely. Before that I did some charity volunteering which I obviously didn't get paid for and I also get paid a small amount for my blog, which I don't like to talk much about as I get so many questions about it, especially seeing as advertisements etc don't show up on my page, but I won't go into that right now :) To answer the second part of your question, I cannot praise Rimmel enough, over the last couple of years they have really upped their game and I still can't believe how cheap they are!

I loved New York so much! It's like being on a movie set, it doesn't seem real at all, also, everything is so tall, we have no concept of it here in England as we have few sky scrapers etc and so when you arrive in somewhere like New York, it can feel a bit enclosed, but you soon get used to how immense the buildings are. I loved it so much, I want to go back, maybe a 21st birthday present perhaps? ;) I want to visit Boston, USA next as it's not far away from New York, and not as busy, a lot smaller and slightly less intimidating but my parents have been and I've seen photos etc from their trip and it looks beautiful, full of museums as well so right up me street!


I hope you enjoyed this post and found it somewhat entertaining, I had so much fun answering all your questions and would love to do something like this again for you all, make sure you follow me on Twitter and Instagram to keep up to date with new blog posts etc! Have a lovely week, Lorna X


I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


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