6 Things I Try to Do Everyday

These might not seem too detrimental or necessary to some of you, but there are some things I like to do everyday that helps me or others in some way. Let me know if you do any of these things too!

Eat Breakfast

Yes, this is very small and so very simple, but I always try to eat breakfast. Whether it's a bowl of porridge and honey, a Belvita bar or a humble banana, I always try to eat a normal, healthy breakfast which will help to set me up for a great day!


It's a common misconception that 'exercise' only counts if you're going for a run, swim or taking yourself off to the gym. Where these things are good to add to your weekly routine, you shouldn't really be engaging in strenuous physical exercise like this every single day. Three times a week is about my limit on that, personally. But like I say, going to the gym isn't the only form of exercise.

I like walking, when I was at uni, I'd walk everywhere, no matter how far away it was. Walking to work, school, uni, or even the supermarket will count as daily exercise. Now granted, a five minute walk won't cut it, but I always try to take longer routes and will take the stairs where possible. Over the course of a day, it all adds up. If I haven't done a whole lot of walking throughout the day, I'll go for a walk around the local park, especially now the evenings are lighter.

Spend Time with Family

Family is very important to me, so I often enjoy spending time in their company. This also goes for my boyfriend. We spend pretty much every evening together, just goofing around, watching TV, going for a walk or cooking up something delicious. These might seem like very small things, but you don't need to go out and do something fantastic to enjoy spending time with the people you love. 


This is very simple, but I find it drastically improves my mood, no matter how I'm feeling before the laughing commences. It's a highly enjoyable experience for everyone involved, which helps to spread positivity about the place. Whether someone has made me laugh, or vice-versa, I find it really helps to lift everyone's mood, not just my own. 

Take Time Out of Social Media

Social media can sometimes make me feel a bit claustrophobic and worryingly self-conscious. Whether this is a subconscious feeling or not (as I can't really pin point a reason for how I feel), social media isn't always the healthy, positive platform you'd hope it would be. So when I get fed up with it (which is most days recently), I'll just stop flicking through everything. Instead, I'll grab a book and a cup of tea and read my night away.

Have Some Time to Myself

This is an important one for me. I can be quite irritable, especially when I'm tired. Sometimes, I'll just wake up feeling like that, and every small thing that happens throughout the day will, somehow, tick me off. When this happens, I know it's time for a little me time. Often, this consists of a hot bath and full pampering session, followed by clean bed sheets and an early night. Granted, this doesn't happen every day (because who has the time for that?), I do try and have a bit time on my own where I can, even if it's just for half an hour. I find it easier to gather my thoughts when I'm on my own too which can help with a multitude of things.






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