GCSE & A Level Advice | Revision, Subject Choices & The New Exam System

Hello guys! Long time no speak, sorry about my lack of posts recently, its been too long :( BUT I am back with a new post and hopefully one which will be of some use to you.

So, whether you're just starting GCSEs, or half way through your A Levels, I can offer you some kind of advice on revision, your subject choices and also give you some reassurance about the new exam system, especially if, like me, you were used to the old modular system.

First up...


Now I cant sit here and tell you how to revise, I don't think there's any blog post out there that can do that, but I can give you some tips for surviving the stress and also what worked for me.

Stress wise, I would say:
1. Eat healthily - a happy body is a happy mind.
2. Get plenty of exercise - use this to reflect on your worries, this acts as a natural detox for the mind.
3. Go to bed early - you cant work or take an exam if you're tired, get plenty of rest.
4. Drink lots of water - this helps cleanse your body so you don't feel crap in the exam hall.
5. Take regular breaks from revision - you could lose focus very quickly if you don't.

When it comes to revision itself, and what you find works for you, you really should have found this out late year 9, or early year 10. It will take a while as you need to try lots of different techniques, so sorting out revision tools etc should be done as soon as possible to avoid wasting time later. Everyone is different though, what works for some may not work for others so keep trying, you will get there eventually. Some people can revising using grids, tables, mind maps, lists, flash cards or simply just reading something straight out of the text book (don't you just envy the people that can just read something and it sticks), I however work better if I transfer information from place to place, condensing it as I go, I then like to put it all into a list so its clearly set out. I also liked to use highlighters and post-it notes, they were very helpful, especially when wanting to colour code things.

Changes to the Exam System

You should be aware by now that the exam system has changed. When I did my A Levels, the modular system was in place. You'd do an exam in January, then another in the Summer, if you failed in January, you could re-take in the Summer and if you failed in the Summer, you could re-take in January. This is no longer the case. Now you have exams at the end of the first year and another set of exams at the end of the second year. Which means if you fail an exam in the first year, you will have to wait an entire year before taking it again!

My advice to you is to work hard NOW and get the grades in the bag first time round. Make it easy on yourself, and don't put yourself under that much stress and torment by having more exams the year after when stress will be doubly high. Just go with the flow, there is nothing you can do about it, everything will work out in the end, just have so hope and work hard, I know you can do it!

Subject Choices

This can be a very stressful and important time. Its the time to decide (ultimately) your future. Whether you're picking your GCSEs, A Levels, or what to take on to A2, there is only one important piece of advice I can offer you:

Do what you enjoy. There is nothing worse than doing a subject that you hate. You will be stuck with it for 2 years, the grade COUNTS. It will only be more painful when you have to revise it, you may procrastinate or leave it till last so you fall even further behind. Trust me, do something you enjoy, even if you're not very good at it. If you aren't good at what you love doing, it means you can put more time revising and trying to understand something you like, you'll be more engaged and therefore more chance of improvement. Go with your gut instinct, it knows what is talking about ;)

BUT work hard now so you're not forced to do a subject that you hate. Despite all this 'working hard' advice, make sure you still have a social life, its a good distraction for the brain, especially if you have been studying for ages.


Hope this helped guys and let me know in the comment section below whether you took any of my tips on board! GOOD LUCK WITH ALL YOUR EXAMS!

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Got any requests? Leave them in the comment section below or let me know via any one of my social networking sites above! Have a nice day and see you next time, Lorna X


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