Rimmel: 'Wake Me Up' & 'Match Perfection' Foundation Comparison

Rimmel Wake Me Up (True Ivory)
Rimmel Match Perfection (Ivory) 

I have actually done a proper, in depth review of the 'Wake Me Up' foundation, something with you can view HERE. Including it's varying prices and where you can purchase it from. This post will not be a full review on the products itself, but more a comparison between the two. At least then, you may prefer one over the other, and possibly even sway your opinion to try one! 

Rimmel 'Match Perfection' (Ivory)
This foundation proved to be a lot more matte than the WMU (if you've tried the WMU, you'll know what I mean). Where the WMU contains elements of shimmer (but a very very small amount), the Match Perfection doesn't. If you're looking for a good everyday foundation then this would be the one to go for.

It doesn't give too much coverage, but if you want to get a natural look, then this foundation would be a good one to try. Having said that, if you want a higher coverage, the foundation is very buildable, the only down side to that of course is you'll end up using more than someone who wants to go for a more natural everyday look.

It's durability isn't bad actually, in fact I was rather impressed. It lasts a very good amount of time, the majority of the day I would say (with a smattering of powder before you leave the house). I find it copes well in most weathers, but if it should rain, a touch up of powder when you reach your destination may be in order.

Rimmel 'Wake Me Up' (True Ivory)
I find this a good foundation to use for a night out as it does contain a teeny tiny bit of shimmer (which I have mentioned previously), something which isn't really that noticeable, especially if you're one to go OTT on the powder to prevent the shiny T zone look. But, if you catch it in the right light, it can look really pretty. I think it's meant to be more of a night time foundation though, as in the bright light of day, you can look a bit like Edward Cullen sparkling in the sunshine, which isn't the best of looks in my opinion.
One thing to remember with this foundation is to not go over board. The coverage is good, but not as durable as the Match Perfection foundation. I tend to put more powder on top of this foundation than the other one. But then again, everyone's skin is different, and you may disagree, which is ok :).
Again, you can add another layer if you wish, but I wouldn't really recommend it, unless you want to give off a Tinkerbell/Pixie vibe. If that's your thing, then by all means go for another application, but if not, be a little cautious. As I have said before, it's not as durable as the Match Perfection, but it's not bad at all. I have definitely tried worse foundations than this one, so it's not to be sniffed at. People say that you get what you pay for, but for a high street foundation, this one is pretty impressive.
That's it from me today guys! I'll see you again really soon :)
-Which one do you prefer?
-Will you give one a try now?
-Which high street foundation is your favourite?
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