How to Get Back into the Swing of Things After Christmas

No one actually looks forward to going back to work after a good couple of weeks off, but I feel as though it's about time I got back into some sort of routine. Not only that, but I eat less when I'm working and I also work out more, whether it be running or an online video. 

I'm looking forward to starting a fresh this year as we enter into the first week of 2023. There are a few things I like to do when easing my way back into work after a while away and that's what I'm going to share with you today :)

1. Set one goal to complete within a realistic timeframe

I'm not going to start the week with a goal to lose 5lbs. It's just not going to happen. Instead of aiming to do things weekly, have monthly or quarterly goals instead and make sure they're realistic. 

I could aim to lose 3lbs in a month, which is far more likely than 5lbs in a week. I find setting goals that are out of your reach are damaging to mental health, especially if you don't actually achieve it. Ease yourself into the new year rather than trying to go in head first. 

Take me for instance, I want to start back running considerable distances again this year, but I won't go out tomorrow and run 7km like I was last year. It's going to take time, so small steps and little and often is the approach I'm going to be taking rather than going balls out from the offset, and this goes for your goals as well. 

2. Drink plenty of water

This might sound a bit daft, but you need to make sure you're drinking plenty of water as you come out of the festive period. This is mainly because you've spent the last couple of weeks eating rich foods and, probably, drinking alcohol. Give your body a bit of TLC. 

Get more sleep as well and make sure you're staying hydrated. Aim to drink around 2 litres of water a day to keep on top of things, especially if you want to go out exercising.

3. Try to be more active

When I say this, I don't mean go out for a 5km run every morning starting from tomorrow. Being more active could simply include going for a 10 minute walk on your lunch break. It's great for circulation and it also means you'll get a bit of fresh air. I find that exercise also helps to break up the day, so your first few days back at work won't seem so long. 

4. Don't rush into things

I've already touched upon this above, but I'll say it again. No matter what your goals are or what you're trying to achieve this year, don't rush into it straight away. Do some planning and take things steady. Sometimes, if you go in head first, you could end up doing more harm than any good. 

We'd love to have a new kitchen, but no matter how much I'd love one, I'm not going to rush into the Boxing Day kitchen sales right away. It needs a lot of planning and several appointments with the manufacturer before committing to a new kitchen, especially because they aren't exactly cheap to start off with.

I just keep in mind that things will happen eventually and it often doesn't matter how long it takes, just as long as it's done within a realistic timeframe and in a safe and controlled manner. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments what you'll be doing to make going back to everyday life more bearable after Christmas and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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