Why Short Hair Works for Me

For many years, I had extremely long hair. By the time I was about 18, I had it lopped off to above my shoulders all in one go pretty much. After that, I grew it out again to a longer length and then had it all cut to one length after that, with no layers. I remember being in love with it at the time and I still, almost seven years later, love having shorter hair that's all one length. So what do I love about having short-medium length hair? Let me explain!

It feels great to have it cut in the first place

When you go to the hairdressers to have it cut off and all to one length to begin with, the difference in how it feels is amazing. It's literally like an entire weight has been lifted off my shoulders and it's such a wonderful, satisfying feeling. So that's one thing I look forward to when I go back to the salon and ask for it to be chopped off above my shoulders again, from almost collar bone length.

It's so quick & easy to wash

Having remembered the days of long hair, when it comes to washing, having short hair makes all the difference. Not only is it super quick to lather up with shampoo, it's also easy and straightforward to wash out again. It's almost like I'll spend, at most, 20 seconds washing the shampoo off my head with a shorter haircut. When my hair was long, I could spend upwards of a minute washing all the product out of my hair and that was before drying it, which was also a complete nightmare.

I can dry it with a hair dryer in a flash

When I had long hair, it took me about half an hour to dry it completely with a hair dryer. So when I washed my long hair, I'd let it air dry overnight because I just couldn't face blow drying it. With short hair, I can get straight out of the shower, dab it slightly with a towel and then dry it with a hair dryer. It will all dry in under five minutes and it feels so fresh and soft.

It's super simple to style 

Everyone says that short hair is harder to style, but I would disagree. I guess it depends on whether or not you have layers but when it's all one length, like mine, styling it is a dream. Curling it doesn't take long with a set of straighteners, straightening it takes even less time. You could have it up in a pony tail still, albeit a low one and you could even go for a half up, half down look. The possibilities are endless and you'll be able to style it out to suit every occasion. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments whether you have long or short hair and why you love it so much. I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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