5 Tips for Making the Weekends Feel Longer
Weekends are precious. They're our two days out of the seven that are ours to do with what we want. Whether you like to have a duvet day or use that time to run some errands, who wouldn't say no to elongating their weekend? Here are a few things I like to do to make my weekends feel longer: 1. Plan your time If you want to make the most of your time, plan some activities, even if it's something simple like going for a coffee with friends or family. If you don't make plans, the day will run away with you and before you know it, the weekend is over and it's back to work again. Make some plans but remember to enjoy some downtime as well, which we'll get onto in a moment. 2. Spend less time looking at a screen You'll be amazed by how much time you can waste simply looking at a screen. Not only does it waste time, but it also takes you away from spending time with your family and friends. Ditch the phone, the laptops and tablets at the weekends and go out and hav...