Current Favourites: Beauty, Food & Lifestyle

I was going to do a 'December Favourites' or a 'Best of 2015' type post letting you all know what I have been loving, but when the time came to writing these posts, I couldn't really pick anything out which I absolutely loved, and what I have been loving you've all seen in other 'Favourites' type posts, so to keep it less boring, I thought I'd just write this post, showing you what I am loving right now, rather than what I loved last month. So I hope you enjoy this, let me know if you've been loving any of the same things this month :)
I don't drink tea very often, its one of my least favourite drinks, especially of the hot beverage variety. But when I come in from work at midnight (two days a week), or if I'm up a little later and fancy a hot drink that isn't coffee, this is a wonderful alternative. Its tasty, and as you've probably guessed, its amazing before bed, even the smell is calming. It isn't fruity, and it doesn't have a sweet taste, its a refreshing herbal taste. You don't add milk to it like with most fruit and herbal teas, quite frankly, it would ruin it. Overall, its just a lovely night time beverage, it won't keep you awake all night, and its nice to drink while having a pamper evening if you don't want to go down the glass-of-red route ;)
Since living on my own (at uni), I love to do all my own shopping, I hardly buy anything naughty, most of the time I'm pretty good, I stick to my budget and buy the things I need, rather than the foods I'd like, but every now and again, I get a sweet tooth and when that happens I tend to crave chocolate, however I don't like to give into it, so when I spotted these in Tesco, and then read that they only contained 78 calories a bar, I snatched them up and popped them in my basket. They're the perfect treat to satisfy any sugar cravings I might have, that and I don't feel as guilty after eating one. They're also pretty tasty, not like some chocolate cereal bars that can be a bit tasteless, these are great if you're looking to swap some lifestyle choices :)
This has got to be one of my favourite lip products ever, not just because of the formula, although that has a massive part to play in the matter, I am also in love with the colour. If you see me around wearing lipstick, chances are its probably this one. I don't know if they have discontinued the colour or if they have simply changed the name, but when I searched for it on the Superdrug website, it didn't exist according to them. I hope they haven't discontinued the colour, and have simply changed the name. That aside, if you're looking for a natural looking, feels-great-on-the-lips lip product then this is your guy, I can't sing it's praises enough. Rimmel have really upped their game, I actually prefer these lip products to my Mac lipsticks, which is saying something because I also love Mac's lipsticks. the only difference is, these are a fraction of the rice, so I really recommend these if you're on somewhat of a budget.
I've never really been one to fuss over eye shadow and other eye type products. But up until recently, especially the few months before Christmas, I have been loving wearing eye shadow, whether I just wear one colour all over the lid, or change it up a bit with some other complimentary colours, I think it just adds something to an otherwise boring makeup look. Up until now, I was just using a palette from a high street/drugstore makeup brand, and it was doing the job, but the colours weren't nearly as beautiful as the ones in this palette. I don't think I've ever seen an eye shadow palette as beautiful as this one. The colours are great for blue/green eyes, and they're so wearable and natural. I believe it is worth the hefty price tag, but only if you're willing to use it everyday, I use it pretty much everyday (depending on what I'm doing that day). I've had a few compliments, with people asking me what eye shadow I'm wearing, and every time they say they may have to invest in a Naked palette soon.
The colours last all day, from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening, the shadow is just as pigmented as it was when I put it on that morning. I can't recommend this enough, especially if you prefer quality, and have a get-what-you-pay-for mentality.
This is by far the best mascara I've ever tired. It beats even my Mac one which I've had for a couple of months. I can't stress how effective this is enough. It really enhances your lashes, I had no idea they could be so long, but this really does look fantastic. Its turned me into a complete mascara snob, and from now on, I won't be using any other mascara. If you ever get a chance to try this, even if its just a sample, you must give it a go, because it is a marvellous product. You can buy the waterproof edition, you can also buy the brown colour (yes brown is available), but the brown colour isn't available in waterproof if that makes sense. But they are all smudge proof. I wear this everyday, all day, I've even been to the gym wearing it (by accident) and it didn't smudge at all. Not even under the eyes. It is more on the pricey side, coming in at £22.50, but trust me, its worth every penny.
I have made it a New Year's Resolution of mine to be more organised. I did have a diary last year as well, but I didn't really use it very much, this year, I want to make much more of an effort to write down deadlines and important dates including birthdays etc. I also wanted a diary which was small so I could carry it with me for the most part. I spotted this one in Waterstones, it was just what I needed, that and it was Cath Kidston. Its perfect if you're a uni or college student, someone who is still busy, but doesn't have a completely choka schedule. It has just enough room to write any important info down, as well as giving you a page for notes. I often use the 'Notes' page as a 'things to do this week' page or somewhere for me to write down my shopping list, or things to buy for birthdays etc. You could use it for anything, without taking up room in the columns needed for the important stuff. I have left a link below to one, but the design isn't the same, but its the same on the inside :)

I love scarves, but then if you've followed me and my blog for a while, you'll already know that. My mum reckons I have some sort of problem xD so when I spotted this from across the shop, I grabbed it. I was drawn in by how original the design the was, not only is it tartan on one side, its also stripy on the other side, and dog tooth/hounds tooth on the back, also, the colour just screams autumn and the current seasonal climate. It also extremely warm, just what you want from a fashionable winter accessory. I would leave a link to the scarf below, however it is no longer available on their website as I bought it back in October. But hopefully, you spot something similar if you like this one :)

I hope you enjoyed this post, I haven't done 'favourites' type post on here for a good while. Let me know what you've been loving recently, and I will see you on Wednesday with a brand  new post for you all :)



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