Things I do to Prepare for a Relaxing Weekend

There's nothing quite like coming home from a long day at work on a Friday, to a clean, organised house that you can then spend the weekend chilling in. But unfortunately, magical fairies aren't going to come round and prepare the house for you - so I have to do it instead, and here's how!

Clean, clean, clean

This may sound like a boring, laborious task, but it's a necessity when it comes to enjoying your home by the time the weekend finally rolls around. I don't go in for a full deep clean of every room, instead I'll simply wipe down surfaces etc of the rooms we'll be spending the most time in, or where guests may want to hang out!


I'll make sure all of the washing up is done, all surfaces and appliances are wiped clean, all bins are emptied and I'll fill the coffee machine up with beans. This means that come Saturday morning, you have a clean and tidy space to meander around without the hassle of going outside in your PJs on a cold January morning to take the bins out. It makes it all the more manageable as well, especially if you keep on top of things.


I love to have a clean bathroom, it's one thing I pretty much insist on. If I want to have a nice hot bath on a Friday night, I don't want to have to clean the bathtub beforehand, so I make sure it's all done Thursday evening. 

Again, I'll wipe down surfaces, clean the sink, the bath and in and around the loo. I hate seeing a buildup of dust gathering in nooks and crannies, so I like to banish it completely, especially in the bathroom! Not only will I clean it, but I'll replace the towels and bath mat, empty the bin and top up the loo roll, all in time for a relaxing weekend.


Like with the other rooms, I'll wipe down surfaces, put things away and change the bed sheets. I do this once a week without fail! Every other week I'll have a good hoover, including under the bed. I love waking up in a clean, warm and cosy bedroom, mainly because I have more time in the mornings to enjoy it, as opposed to springing out of bed at 7am on a cold winter's morning during the week.

Empty the laundry basket

Another irritation of mine, I can't stand to see an overly full linen basket. So as you can imagine, the heap of dirty washing at the end of a busy working week is monstrous! So before I curl up on the sofa with a coffee and a biscuit, I'll sort it all out into darks and lights and I'll put on (roughly) 3 loads of washing - and hang it all out to dry - in one night. This means that come Sunday evening, you have several loads of clean washing ready for a fresh, productive week once again! There's nothing worse than getting to the middle of the week and running out of if you prepare, you won't have to face a day of going commando!

Plan ahead

I hate making last minute plans. As anti-social as that sounds, I like to keep my weekends free for myself. So unless I've been given at least a weeks notice, I'm always a tad reluctant to give up a chunk of my weekend to go out into the hustle of bustle of Nottingham. 

Don't get me wrong, I love to go out and do things, but I just like to be warned of certain plans beforehand. This way, I can prepare a little more so I can still have part of the relaxing weekend I was hoping for! When you've been at work all week, it's only natural to want a couple of days to chill out and recharge before another busy week begins.

Take time out for myself

Friday night, I'll have a nice hot shower or bath and wash my hair, condition it, exfoliate, shave, and moisturise. If I want to feel really chilled out, I'll apply a face mask and maybe even paint both my toe and finger nails (regardless of the time of year). I'll then curl up with a blanket, a hot cup of coffee and watch The Crown on Netflix, happy in the knowledge that I'm squeaky clean and velvety smooth from head to toe! I find that this also enables me to have a better nights sleep, as I then wake up on Saturday feeling refreshed and just a chilled out as I was the night before, simple right?


I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know how you like to prepare for a relaxing weekend either in the comments or via my social media links below. I'll see you again really soon with a brand new blog post for you!




