My Night Out (Clubbing) Essentials

If you've been following my blog for a while, you may remember I did one of these some time ago, including hints and tips to stay safe, however this post will differ slightly in terms of photographic detail, but lacking more in the safety hints and tips, so if you'd like to read my helpful advice on the subject, I will leave a link to it here for good measure:

My Clubbing Essentials PLUS HInts & Tips to Keep You safe

Now, that aside, we can discuss the fun stuff. What do you bring for a good night out? Well the image located above should provide some indicators, however I'll go into more depth, discussing why I think they're essential and possibly sharing some fun experiences and  my own personal clubbing pictures along the way :)

The Bag

Every girl knows that her clutch bag is her pride and joy, it can make or break an outfit very easily, and getting right can be essential. I don't usually base the colour of my clutch on seasons, but I base it more on the outfit I'll be wearing. For the purpose of this post, and also because it looks more suited to the summery season we currently find ourselves in, I chose to go with a plain, but very classic nude envelope clutch bag which I purchased from E Bay.

I like this clutch because not only is it big enough for all your girly essentials, but it also has a detachable strap, I haven't taken it off yet myself, because personally, I like to know that I can wear it across my body when I want to be hands free and at least then, it's never let out of my sight, however I great take comfort from the fact I can simply take the chain off should the need arise.

The Purse

Aside from the clutch, your purse should be the next most important thing. This holds all your cash, your ID and possibly even bus or taxi fare home, so make sure you bring the right out, not only to hold all of your most valued possessions when on a night out, but also for practical reasons, so you have a purse that'll fit nicely into your clutch bag without taking up too much space when it's packed full of all your 'must-have' necessities. Mine is a lovely flat oil cloth one from Cath Kidston. Its great because, like I said, it's oil cloth so if it gets wet it won't ruin any of it's contents, it's also wipe clean in case you or anyone else spills sticky alcohol onto it, and it's also very durable, so it'll last for many night out's to come! It's also nice and flat, so I can fit that and all my other essentials neatly into my bag!

The Three MUSTS

You don't have to haul these specific things round with you, however if there's room in your bag, I say why not?

Hand sanitizer is a great thing to have, especially if you're a germ freak, or hate using the cheap soap provided in the club toilets. Personally, I hate spending more time than I have to in a club loo, so hand sanitizer is good to be quickly in and out without talking or interacting with anyone when waiting to use the sink. It also dries extremely quickly, so you're not faffing around with a hand dryer either!

The other thing I suggest you bring for hygiene reasons is a deodorant of some description. I personally believe that spray on deodorants are more than satisfactory for getting the job done. Think about it, if you've been partying it up in clubs since 8PM, you're probably getting pretty smelly, think about when the last time you applied deodorant. You wouldn't go to the gym for an hour, then change clothes without (I should hope a shower, but for the purposes of this blog post...) at least putting on a top up of deodorant. Not only do it for yourself, but also do it for the people around you, they don't want a BO smell ruining their night. I get the tiny travel sized versions, they fit nicely into my clutch bag, and they provide enough to get you through the night! I total staple in my opinion.

Yes, if you want to be really prepared, a travel sized hair spray can also be your best friend. Especially if, like me, you have problem hair which will only ever stay how you want it once in a blue moon. I love hair spray anyway, but having one of these handy is a great comfort to not only you, but also your friends, whether they be male or female. Yep, that's right, guys use hair spray too :D. Just let you friends know you have one in case they feel the need to touch up throughout the night, who knows, you might even get a free drink or two out of it ;) Also, feel free to bring a small comb for regular touch ups!

Lipstick, Perfume and a Handy Mirror

I think it goes without saying that a girl should always carry the lipstick with her that she applied for the night. I swear by the MUA ones. They're £1 and also amazing quality, I did a review of them here: MUA Lipstick Post should you want to read up more. I always like to go for a vibrant pink, it just makes the overall makeup look, and it's also a nice colour for this time of year :)

Now, you couldn't apply such a bright lipstick without a mirror, and if you're not the kind of girl to go to the bathroom to apply it especially, then a small compact mirror would be something you carry with you. My mirror tends to fit nicely into my purse as it's flat. It's also good for checking lipstick smudges and any other makeup malfunction that could occur so you can fix it ASAP.

Last but not least, perfume. Now I'm not going to sit and tell you to carry a massive bottle around, I use perfume samples that have either been sent to me, or that I was given upon  the purchase of a full sized perfume. You can however request samples from the perfume counter, so if in doubt, ask. They're great for taking on nights out, it just means you can spritz them on whenever and wherever you want. The bottles are also very small and a great size should space be a problem!


I know this sounds stupid the fact I have to remind you to be able to re-enter your own house, but you'll be surprised how many people forget their house keys and are unable to gain access to their own property. Just remember to bring a key with minimal key rings/chains on it, just make sure there's something attached to it to try and prevent you from losing it and also to help you find it in your bag!

NOW GO AND HAVE A GOOD TIME! (Some of My Own Night Out Pics)


That's all for today guys, make sure you keep an eye out for my up coming Shoe Collection series where I'll be uploading a new shoe post every Wednesday for a month. Make sure you're following if you aren't already, or follow me on:

Twitter - @thesweetpeax
Instagram - @heartbritishthings

For regular updates on blog posts and when I'll be uploading next!

Thanks for stopping by and taking time to read my content! See you next time, Lorna ox.

I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. love this post, such a great idea! I always forget to take my mini hairspray!! xx

    1. I'm really glad you enjoyed it :) Thanks for stopping by! xx


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