Review: Soap & Glory Heel Genius

I haven't included before and after photographs purely because I HATE my feet, so much so, that when I go shoe shopping, I like to bring a pair of socks so people don't see my horrid feet and stubby toes. But I can be honest and tell you that my feet were incredibly dry and not very smooth at all. They didn't even look very healthy either. So when I went to Boots last week to replenish my beloved Soap and Glory shower gels, I picked this up as the free product in their 3 for 2 offer.

To make things easier for you guys, I have highlighted all the not so good points in bold. I didn't really want to separate the positive and negative points out into individual paragraphs, as I have more good things to say about it than bad. BUT most of the negative points might not bother you personally as it's more down to individual preferences. None the less, I hope you find this post useful :)

Now onto the Review...

PRICE: £5.50
CLAIMS TO: [be] "Better Than A Pedicure?"
OUT OF 5: 4

I haven't done a review on my blog for some time, however when I finally purchased Soap and Glory's Heel Genius, I just HAD to review it. I think lots of people misuse it or misread the instructions. Many tend to think it's a regular foot cream, nice to use after a pedicure etc, however, you're really suppose to use it during your night time skin care routine, if you have one.

You're suppose to lather the cream all over each foot, then put socks on and wear them over night which allows the product to almost form a film around your foot. Now most people will really like this, whereas others may not. I hate wearing socks at night, even in the Winter, so if you hate it too, or hate putting product on your feet at all and leaving it over night, you probably won't like this. Now, most reviews online tend to put this product down, mainly because they've used it wrong. If you use it right, and you're okay with having product and socks on your feet over night, I'm sure you'll be very happy with the results.

Now when you first squeeze the product out of it's tube, they colour is slightly unexpected, it's blue! Not white as you'd expect. The smell is also totally different to Soap and Glory's signature scent, it smells more masculine than their other products do. If this doesn't bother you (it doesn't bother me), then I'm hoping you'll love it as much as I do. One thing I don't like however is it's consistency. It's not really a cream texture, nor is it a scrub texture, it's just a bit sticky and slimy and not really nice to rub between your fingers. Whether this is an added ingredient included exclusively for dry and scabby feet I don't know, but it's definitely doing something that my rich moisturisers and other foot creams aren't doing.  Despite this, I continue using it as I feel as though it really is benefitting my feet and keeping them soft and hydrated. I'm not that embarrassed any more to get my feet out in public :D

To Conclude...
Overall I like this product and the results it gives, I look forward to seeing and feeling the difference it has made to my feet. However I don't really enjoy applying the product, especially in the muggy heat of July, but the results it gives after even one use, are good enough that I'd put up with the things I dislike about the product. I'd probably purchase this again for full price when it runs out!

Have you got this product?
What did you think of it?
Let me know in the comments below or contact me via one of my social media sites below (or in the sidebar)!

Thanks for stopping by. If you have any requests/suggestions/ideas for new blog posts then either leave a comment or contact me using one of my social media sites below (or in the side bar).
See you Wednesday for Part 2 of My Shoe Collection series where I'll be showing you my favourite night out heels! Have a nice day, Lorna ox.

Twitter: @thesweetpeax
Instagram: @heartbritishthings

I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. I really want to have a go at using this, I hate the heels of my feet.

    1. You should give it a try! I'm sure you'll love it :)


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