CHRISTMAS | My Top Present Picks

This isn't a post bragging to you all about what I got for Christmas, but remember, you don't have to read this if you don't want to, however, if you are interested, then get a cup of tea, snuggle down on the sofa and enjoy this post :) 

I have not included everything that I received, I thought I would just include my favourite gits that were generously given to me by friends and family. I realise how lucky I am to be gifted such lovely things and I am incredibly grateful. Now, lets get on with it shall we? ;)

I love marshmallows, anyone who knows me will 100% agree, so every year, my parents get me gourmet ones from our local garden centre (yes, a garden centre xD) and I love them! This year, they were pink, sugar coated, and strawberry flavored, so pretty much the best marshmallows in the world right? 

If you've been following me for a while, you'll know that last year I got a red tartan scarf for Christmas, this year, I got a green one, so my collection of tartan scarves is obviously expanding. As much as I love red tartan, green tartan is my favourite, especially throughout the colder months and after Christmas when you don't feel so festive anymore ;)

After receiving a couple of Soap & Glory shower gels last year, I have become somewhat of a Soap & Glory snob, especially when it comes to shower gel. As a result, I was gifted 2 more, ones I haven't yet tried, but as far as their scent goes, they both smell pretty amazing.

Remember when I was talking about how much I love tartan? Well I have another item (or items depending on how you look at it) that is pretty much tartan over load, but you know what? I love it! These tartan pyjamas just scream Christmas and, to my knowledge, are extremely affordable, coming in at just £7 from Primark!

Perfume is very individual, what you like, may not be what your friend likes and vice a versa. But my parents have done pretty well this year, not only have they replenished one of my favourite perfumes (DKNY 'Be Delicious'), they have also given me a brand new one (Daisy 'Eau So Fresh'). I have the original Daisy perfume, but I think it's more of a night time scent, but I love it so much I had started wearing it on a daily basis, so it was nice to be given a day time version (the bottle being so huge is a bonus!). 

If you follow me on Instagram and don't already know the origin of my username, this should offer a big hint. I am pretty much in love with the stereotypical British icons, for example, telephone boxes, post boxes, red London buses, Royal Guards etc. So anything with any of those images on will excite me a lot, so this cushion (originally from Sainsburys), was perfect and I adore it!

If you're a 90's baby, you more than likely grew up with Toy Story, so this little collectable item was so incredibly thoughtful and is something I can see myself having for years and years to come. 

I really should have put this next item after the Soap & Glory shower gels but to be honest, I forgot xD anyway, I got this gift set from one of our family friends and to be honest I was pretty chuffed with it, it's only a small set which is great, especially when traveling and its such a lovely make! I'm looking forward to using them :)

One of my closest friends gave me a few small presents, but my favourite from the bunch is this small glass ring holder, I don't know how much it was, but it was from a shop called 'Tiger', if that helps ;) 

My main present this year was a new camera, the very camera I used to snap these delightful photos, so I hope you enjoyed the improved quality! I got the Canon 1200D, a piece of technology I have lusted after for a few years now, so I was over the moon when I unwrapped it on Christmas Day! I don't have a photo of the actual camera as I used it to take these photographs, but if you want to have a peek head over to my Instagram (@heartbritishthings). But I did spent the majority of the day learning how to use it, but I think I pretty much have the hang of it now :) 

I also got a camera bag to put it in (obviously) to protect it from knocks and bangs! The last thing I want to do is break it!

Instead of just relying on the manual that came as standard, I got a book for 'Dummies' in order to learn how to use the camera and also how to make the very best of my photos. It even claims to make me a better photographer (yay!). 

And that my friends, are all my favourite presents from Christmas 2014! I hope you enjoyed it, if you too have done a post about what you got for Christmas, leave a link below and I will check it out (as I'm pretty nosy when it comes to things like that xD...sad I know). 

Oh yes...


Thanks for stopping by! Check out my links below (especially if you want to find out when a new post is published) and pop back tomorrow for a brand new Boxing Day post :) 
Lorna OX



I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.
Camera Used: Canon 1200D


  1. Wow, some incredible presents here! Absolutely in love with your scarf, it's gorgeous! So lucky to receive that camera too x

    Lizzie // xBeautyMagic // Beauty Giveaway

    1. Thank you so much for your feedback :) I hope you stop by again soon :) x


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