3 Day Get-Away (Day 1) | Farm Shops & Walks in the Country

Last Monday, my family and I travelled down to Surrey to visit my Grandma (who we don’t get to see very often), but although that was the sole reason for travelling down for nearly 4 hours, we also went down as a sort of holiday, a get-a-away for us all, some time to relax, but also to do some fun things.
This time, we brought the dog down, which we’ve never done before, we usually get someone to look after him but everyone was on holiday, and we don’t like to leave him in kennels, so he shared the boot with our luggage. We stopped twice on the down to let him out for a toilet stop (which we cleaned up and disposed of at the service station), to stretch his legs a little and also for something to drink as it was very warm in the car, don’t worry, we had a few windows open a tad which let a nice breeze in for him whilst cruising down the motorway and we never left him in the car, whenever we stopped for the loo, there was always one of us with him, we took turns as we didn’t want to leave him in the car for obvious reasons, not even for 5 minutes, anyway, we kept the dog happy on our trek down :)
So, as of today (Sunday 9th), for the next 3 days, I will be publishing one post everyday, each one will give you an insight into what I got up to over that 3 day period. We were actually there for 5 days in all, but 2 of those days were half days so I didn't bother including what we did then as it would be pretty boring for you if I talked you through our journey down the motorway xD.
So, here we go, Day 1...
Tuesday 4th August 2015
(The majority of the photographs in this post were taken using my Canon 1200D, a small number were taken using my iPhone 6)
It took us a little longer to get up and out, but we had done a lot of travelling the day before so I’m not surprised we were a little tired. We spent the morning chilling out, watching ‘Homes Under the Hammer’, eating some breakfast and I read a good chunk of my book. Afterwards, we took the dog into the spinney (a tiny forest-like square in the middle of my Grandma’s private estate) so he could stretch his legs and go for a wee, I documented some of that little outing as well :)

So all in all it was a very chilled out morning. Then we all got showered and dressed, ready for the day and had a spot of lunch at home, I had a chicken salad sandwich and a can of Coke Zero which was lovely and got me ready for the day!
That afternoon we took the dog for a walk in a field (which wasn’t very exciting so I didn’t take any pictures), but then we went to Garson’s Farm Shop which was owned by the Garden Centre just over the road and left the dog with my brother while we went inside. It was lovely, I’ve never seen a farm shop that big before, it was amazing. There was lots of fruit and veg available, together with huge selections of wine, beer, lager, soft drinks, olives, cheese, bread, crackers, crisps, frozen fruit, jams, and locally sourced dairy ice cream. They also had the most beautiful flowers up for sale, and the front was decorated nicely with colourful plants and flower beds.

It really fitted in with the typical country village look. All the houses were very cottage-ey if that makes sense, they all looked pretty old and very well loved, I could see myself living in a house like that one day, window shutters and all ;)

We then went to Tesco because the dog didn’t like his food (fussy devil), so we got him the food he likes (when he’s not eating the food we get delivered fresh every month), we also got some bits to take to London with us, like small bread rolls, sandwich spread, drinks, and a few packets of Walkers Sun Bites (which are delicious).

We also stopped off for a coffee at a place called Harris and Hoole which was located inside Tesco, they do the best lattes there :)

Then, we just went home and had some spag bol for dinner, afterwards we had a coffee and watched some old footage from our trip to America back in August 2013 (we went to New York and Florida), so that brought back a lot of amazing memories. As I’m writing this (a draft on Word as my Grandma has no wifi :O ), its 21:43 and my bum is numb from sitting for so long, I’m also importing and exporting some photos for you to enjoy (which you would have already seen).
Enjoy tomorrow :)
PREVIOUS BLOG POST: 'How To Survive Results Day'


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