3 Day Get-Away (Day 2) | Covent Garden & London Views

Wednesday 5th August 2015
(The majority of the photographs were taken using my Canon 1200D, however a few were taken using my iPhone 6)
Today we ventured into London on the train, from Surrey to Waterloo Station is only about 25 minutes, which is fab so we go pretty much once a year. On this trip, we took the underground to Kentish Town. Why Kentish Town? I hear you say…I was asked to review a café/cake shop out there, which is a whole other blog post, but I will include a photo of the outside here…

After that, we headed back to the underground and headed to Oxford Street, this was purely so we could see and go into Selfridges, especially seeing as we’re massive fans of the TV programme. Obviously, it wasn’t going to be anything like the shop on the telly, but after reading the Selfridge story, I was interested in seeing what had become of the department store now, and I wasn’t disappointed, however its always busy in there, all day, every day. As much as I loved the experience, (and I also made a cheeky purchase) I definitely prefer Harrods, but I guess its down to personal preference really J
We then went back to the underground station and made our way to Covent Garden. The station we got out at only had 2 ways to get out, one way was by lift (or elevator if you’re American) and the other was up a spiral staircase which has 193 steps. We didn’t realise how many steps there were as the last time we went to Covent Garden we took the lift up to the top, so seeing as everyone wanted to get the lift, we decided to take the stairs…I must have burnt about 3000 just walking up those stairs (WITHOUT stopping) xD, by the time I reached the top, it had felt like I’d spent an hour in the gym just doing leg weights.
However, we were soon enjoying ourselves, we walked in and spotted a street entertainer which was funny, he was a great magician.

Then we looked round some stalls and bought a few things, and stumbled upon some beautifully arranged flowers that sat outside across from an outdoor café and ice cream parlour.

I took a trip to Laduree (the posh macaroon shop) with my Mum and bought 8 macaroons (they also sell small fancy cakes as well which looked delicious). Afterwards, we had a pit stop and paid a visit to Shake Shack where I just had a milkshake, which to be honest, was the tastiest milkshake I’ve ever had!

We then went in search of a tea shop, eventually we found The East India Company, we tasted some tea samples and bought a couple of bags of loose tea leaves, one of which was Earl Grey which I LOVE and we were even given a free jar of blackberry jam!

(If you want me to do a separate post on what I bought while I was in London, let me know J )

Afterwards, we decided to walk back to Waterloo station (because of the tube strike, we made sure we were within walking distance of the train station by the end of the day), but it started raining and my sister was in desperate need of the loo, so we stopped off in a coffee shop, had a drink and a toilet stop and then continued on our way to the station. We did do a spot of sight seeing along the way though :)
I was shattered by the time I got home and pretty much just went straight to bed (after looking through the things I bought that day ;) ).
See you tomorrow with the last part of my holiday series!


  1. Im so so jealous, I would love to visit London soon and covent garden looks really amazing thanks for the updates on your holiday : )

    1. I hope you have the chance to go and visit one day, it really is an incredible place! You're very welcome by the way :)


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