Review: Rimmel Kate Moss Lipsticks

I do love the Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks, and if you've been following me for a while, you will be very aware of this, as a result I have decided to review the ones I own in the hope to persuade you to try them yourselves, and if not, that's ay okay too :)

I was a bit skeptical at first, believing that they were just part of a blogging hype, and there was no way I was going to give into those internet beauty sensations, but guess what? I obviously caved and can now see what all the fuss was about! If you don't have at least one Kate Moss lippy in your collection then I would be pretty damn surprised! I have listed their number, their price, and also rated their consistency and durability our of 5, 5 being excellent, and 1 being poor. I know this post has been a long time coming, especially after I did a similar post comparing the MUA lipsticks! But here is the Rimmel equivalent and I hope you enjoy it :)  

Number: 08
Price:  £5.49
Consistency: 4.5
Durability: 4

 This is a super pretty colour that I love to wear all year round! In fact, it is my favourite lipstick from my entire makeup collection (which is saying something seeing as I also dabble in MAC lip products too ;) ). It's a beautiful, natural colour, almost like a 'your lips but better' colour. Granted, I don't wear lipstick every day, but when I do decide to wear lipstick, this will usually be the one I reach for first! If you don't have it in your collection, I highly suggest you make this product part of it.

Number: 19
Price: £5.49
Consistency: 4
Durability: 3.5

 Yes, I know what you're all thinking, "isn't that the same lipstick you were just rambling on about?", no it isn't and I haven't included the same 3 photos twice, although that would be pretty funny. These 2 colours are very similar and you'd be forgiven for thinking they were the same, but they're very different on the lips, where 08 is more of a brown toned pink, number 19 is more of a red toned pink which makes all the difference when applied to the lips. The two are also very different when it comes to durability. Where 08 lasts a lot longer on the lips, this one doesn't seem to hold out for as long as 08 which is disappointing, but it's nothing a little touch up won't fix :)

Number: 05
Price: £5.49
Consistency: 4.5
Durability: 4

 Clearly, this lipstick is nothing like any of the others (thank goodness) and instead of being a natural colour, its a deeper, brighter pink, definitely one for a night out! It's also a lovely colour to wear on a hot Summers day and I think its gorgeous. Its durability is pretty impressive, lasting a good few hours before needing to reapply it. My only peeve with this product, is that when the colour starts the fade from the lips, it looks pretty bad, almost like lip liner gone wrong, so if you do wear this for a night out or out for a Sunday pub lunch in the beer garden mid July, make sure you bring it with you, trust me, you'll be thankful you did! 

Number: 30
Price: £5.49
Consistency: 4.5
Durability: 4

 Once again, this is a great clubbing colour, or even to wear on an everyday basis in the depths of winter. I personally love this colour, but it does look a little scary in the tube, but as you can see from the swatch, it's actually a pretty wearable colour and not one to be afraid of! If you're not into deep reds, then this deep berry colour is a lovely alternative. If you're on the hunt for a creamy, durable lipstick that screams Winter, then this would be one to put on your list of ones to try. As you can see, its a very dark colour, so be careful not to apply it too generously or you could end up getting it on your teeth and we wouldn't want that! 

And that concludes the post for today! I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you again next time! Let me know what your favourite Rimmel Kate Moss lipsticks are in the comments or you can reach me on Twitter and Instagram! X



I have not been paid or sponsored to write this specific blog post. All views and opinions are my own. I am not affiliated with any companies that may be mentioned in this blog post. All photographic content is my own. No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. I love Kate Moss's lipsticks. They go on so smooth, smell amazing, and stay on quite a while. I have two different red colors.

    1. I have I expanded my collection since this post, I can't get enough of these lipsticks :) X


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