365 Days of Happiness*

Everyone loves a self-help book. They can be funny, informative and thought provoking. However, before being sent this book, I had never come across one which offers a daily dose of mindfulness to help me feel content with everyday life. Author, Jacqueline Pirtle offers just that with her new book. 

"In 365 Days of Happiness, author Jacqueline Pirtle has created daily inspirations that help you mindfully work towards living a more vivid experience of daily happiness. Showing that you can put in work to change your life while having fun, the practices are full of whimsy and delight. Through light, bubble, cheerful passages, each day taches you to find happiness, use those sour lemons, and shift yourself into a "high for life" frequency where you can reach happiness anywhere at any time."

So without further a-do, here's what I thought to the 'piece of cake' guide to feeling happy and content with everyday life.

We spend so much time these days focusing on other people's happiness, so much so, we neglect the importance of maintaining our own. This book reminded me that I too have feelings, but I also have a number of people in my life who I love dearly, and often, I put their happiness and their needs before my own. That's just what happens when you love someone, it's all about complete selflessness and they become a thought in everything you do. Although this isn't a bad thing, you forget to do things just because they make you happy!

This book has really helped to inject some positivity, mindfulness, contentment and joy back into my own life. Everything, from the decisions I make, to the friends I see, to things I do or the food I eat, this book has helped me to see the silver linings in everything, to know that when bad things happen, it isn't the end of the world. I find myself asking, 'what's the worst that can happen?'. If the answer to that question isn't that bad, then I know there's nothing to worry about and once again, I find myself returning to a healthy level of 'chill'.

The purpose of this book is the read a page a day for a year for our daily shot of happiness, I don't recommend reading this all in one sitting (although I had to in order to write this review). Perhaps read a page with your morning coffee, or on your daily train commute to work or school.

The author is clever in the sense that she uses a great amount of her own imagination to ensure her message is received loud and clear! Each page is relatively short, a two minute read max, so it doesn't take a lot of time out of your day at all. It's not your typical hippy-dippy self help advice book. It's not all about feeling happiness, but instead, it teaches us that it's ok to be angry, as it's just another feeling we have, a side effect of being human. It's important to feel that anger or that sadness, but where Pirtle says we must feel those things, it's just as important to let it go. This ensures our negative feelings don't last as long in comparison to the good feelings we experience.

365 Days of Happiness makes for ultimate bedside companion, it would be the perfect present for anyone, no matter how positive their outlook on life is, everyone needs a daily dose of joy.






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