20 Years of Panto at Nottingham Playhouse | Sleeping Beauty

This year marks 20 years of panto for me. I've been going to the Nottingham Playhouse to see their brilliant pantomimes every single year since I was four, so this year marks 20 years - which is pretty amazing really. I can still remember good ol' Kenneth (who writes the scripts) playing the Dame, running after plates rolling down a shoot, only to have them smash all over the floor - an act which they, sadly, don't have the budget for anymore :(

The jokes, although now expected, never get old. With classics such as 'nighty night, pyjama pyjama', 'he's behind you' and 'oh no he isn't' still prevailing in the writing, it makes for a good old fashioned evening of family fun, no matter how old you are, and this year was no different.

The panto this time around was 'Sleeping Beauty', one we haven't seen for quite some time. Both the set and the costumes were absolutely brilliant, as per usual, something which just screams magic, and almost a tad of authenticity if you were watching as a child. Outrageous outfits and mesmerising scenes ensured you were fully immersed in the action, something which you can't escape from when you go to watch a pantomime at the Nottingham Playhouse.

Audience participation is key when it comes to these performances. Whether you're getting picked on by the Dame in the front row, or joining in with delightful songs, you can't expect to go to one of their pantomimes and not join in on the fun. Even if you go with no intention of participating, somehow, you'll find yourself subconsciously clapping and singing along with everyone else. You can't help but leave the place with a smile, something which I think is pure magic in itself.

It's something everyone in our family looks forward to, and now my boyfriend has started joining us for our annual family viewing. I think he was a little unsure at first, but he eventually joined in with all the fun, which included laughing at some of the slapstick humour and classic jokes.

Having been so many times, I know the formula of a Nottingham Playhouse pantomime, so that's something I can always predict, but that's about it. They're so up to date with current affairs, as well as incorporating the latest technology in their performances (this year included the use of an Alexa). They always sing and dance to the latest songs, ensuring the audience can boogie and sing along with the cast. 

It's absolutely spectacular...you can't help but have a good time, it's like they've pumped some happy gases into the air (which of course they haven't), but I've never seen so many people in one place with beaming smiles on their faces as I have at a Nottingham Playhouse panto. If you live in Nottingham and you haven't had the pleasure of seeing one of their pantomimes yet, then please go! You won't be disappointed :)


I hope you enjoyed this post. Have you been to a panto this year? What did you see? Are you still looking forward to yours? Let me know in the comments below. I will see again really soon with a brand new blog post for you :)

Merry Christmas!






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