My Favourite Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser Hot Chocolate Flavours

The Velvetiser hot chocolate has made an appearance recently, mainly in the aftermath of Christmas. It got me thinking, after trying a fair few hot chocolate flavours from Hotel Chocolat, which flavours I would repurchase and I thought it might be useful to tell you which flavours are my favourite and which ones I really haven't been so keen on. So let's explore the Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser hot chocolate flavours in more detail.

The Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser hot chocolate flavours I love 

  • Salted Caramel - a standard favourite for many people, I think, you can't go wrong with the salted caramel flavour if you're looking to satisfy your sweet tooth. Although, it isn't too sweet, with a tang of savoury notes on the end 
  • Vanilla White - this is a great flavour if you're a fan of anything vanilla. It's a nice change to some of the other hot chocolate flavours as it's not as sweet, but it still packs a delicious flavour that is both creamy and indulgent
  • Peanut Butter - I like to compare this flavour to the salted caramel flavour, mainly because it offers something sweet and savoury all at the same time. If you don't like peanut butter, you're obviously not going to take a shine to this one, but if you like something a little different, then this is the one for you
  • Nutmilk - a vegan option that makes the perfect hot chocolate, it's not actually a flavour I thought I would like, but it turned out to be absolutely delicious. Again, I recommend this one if you like flavours that are both sweet and savoury, but that are warming and indulgent all at the same time
  • Hazlenut Praline - the flavours in this one essentially makes it feel as though you're drinking liquid Nutella. It is extremely rich and chocolatey, but it's just the ticket if you're looking for a hot chocolate that is particularly thick and creamy, in comparison to the other hot chocolate flavours on offer

The Hotel Chocolat Velvetiser hot chocolate flavours I'm not so keen on

  • 50% Milky - while it's OK for a hot chocolate, if you're looking for something more luxurious and indulgent, then this isn't the flavour for you. I wouldn't bother wasting your money on this particular flavour as there isn't much to it, taste-wise. Choose something a little different for the price tag
  • Classic 70% Dark - I'm not a fan of dark chocolate anyway, and I don't like hot chocolates that are too rich and chocolatey, and this is just that. It's essentially a cup of everything I dislike in a hot chocolate, which is why I'm not so keen on it
  • Black Forest Gateau - this is entirely subjective, because I don't like Black Forest anything. This tastes as though someone has liquidised a Black Forest Gateau and heated it up and it's really not my bag. But if you love the 70's pudding, then give it a try and see what you think
  • Dark with Mint - much like the above flavour, I'm not keen on this one purely because I don't like mint chocolate. If you do like mint chocolate, then you should definitely give this flavour a try because it might well be your dream come true
  • Ginger - I wasn't a fan of this one purely because of the spice and the smells that comes after the chocolate taste and aroma. It was all too sickly and spicy for me, but then again, I'm not a ginger-lover generally, which is probably another reason as to why I don't particularly enjoy this flavour
  • Orange - I don't like this one for the simple reason that I don't like orange chocolate. If you do like orange chocolate of any kind, then this flavour will be the one for you, hands down - you will not be disappointed
  • Chilli Dark - for the same reason why I don't like the ginger one, this tastes a little strange. It's like you're drinking a normal hot chocolate that is a normal flavour and then the spice hits you out of nowhere and I can't say it's a pleasant experience. You never know, there might be people out there who love that, but I am not a fan, personally

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful if you're looking for some flavours to try in your Velvetiser? Let me know in the comments below what your favourite flavours are and I will see you again very soon with some brand new content :)




