How to Get Over the Afternoon Slump

We've all been there. It's hit 2pm on a Friday and the end of the working day is near, but you still have three hours of work left to get done. It feels like the day that never ends. But there are some things that I like to do halfway through the day to help me to get over the slump that is mid-afternoon. If it works for me, then it almost certainly will work for you. So let me give you some tips for getting over the afternoon slump.

Eat healthy snacks

It sounds silly, but eating healthily throughout the day is better than snacking on food like crisps, biscuits and other unhealthy snacks. I find that it makes me feel groggy and a bit heavy. Instead, I like to eat things like bananas, apples, blueberries and raspberries when I feel a bit peckish. It's also lighter and a lot more tasty than chowing down on things like cake and cookies. 

Take regular breaks

I am a big believer in taking regular breaks throughout the working day, only around 5 or 10 minutes or so so my eyes can focus on something other than a screen. I usually use this time to make a drink or put a wash on - something that just takes me away from the desk for just the right amount of time before getting back to work. Regular breaks, for me, means taking a 5/10 minute break every 2.5/3 hours or so. Or, I'll complete a large task and then go have a break. It helps to keep me switched on throughout the day and refreshed towards the end whilst still getting the job done -sorted!

Keep hydrated

I always like to have a drink nearby just to keep me hydrated. This helps to keep my focus as I'm not thinking about how thirsty how I am, for example. There are fewer distractions for me if I'm making sure I'm hydrated as the day goes on, and that includes being more alert and awake in the afternoon!

Do some light exercise at lunchtime

I must admit, I don't always do this, but sometimes, I like to have a leisurely walk into the village or I'll do half an hour of pilates or another workout to stretch my limbs and get the heart pumping. Don't do anything strenuous, just enough to get moving for a spell.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below what you like to do to get over the afternoon slump and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)




