21 Journaling Prompts You Need for Everyday

Journaling isn't for everyone. But for some people, writing down all of your thoughts and feelings in a notebook, or a even typing it out on a document using a computer, is considered to be the perfect form of therapy. 

It also gives you the opportunity to look back on those prompts in the future, so you can see how far you have come. I like to look back and see how my thought processes have changed since I wrote in my journals to certain prompts. 

That's the idea of it. They're designed to get you thinking in more depth about things, as opposed to just randomly dumping all of your thoughts and feelings out onto a page. So let me give you a few journaling prompts for different purposes and topics.

Everyday journaling prompts 

There are loads of different things that you can find to journal about, but what you've got to think is what can you journal about every single day? There are lots of things we feel and go through all day, everyday, from emotions that run too high sometimes to feelings of anxiety or depression, so with that in mind, here are a few topics that you can journal about, with one prompt for each day!

Self-discovery journaling prompts...

  1. How does every part of my body feel at this exact moment?
  2. If someone described me, what would they say?
  3. What distractions get in the way of me being most productive?
  4. What do I know to be true that I didn't know a year ago
  5. What can wait till next week?
  6. When do I feel most in-tune with myself?
  7. What am I looking forward to most in the future?

Managing emotions journaling prompts...

  1. How can I detach or neutralise the emotion I'm feeling?
  2. Why am I doing X?
  3. How can I detach my emotions from the behaviour of others?
  4.  Have I tried to take my ego out of the situation?
  5. Why am I feeling this way?
  6. What is causing me to feel this way?
  7. What emotions am I holding onto?

Anxiety & depression journaling prompts...

  1. How does my anxiety make me feel?
  2. What hurts right now and how can I find relief?
  3. What are the things in my home that are most "me"?
  4. What happened before I noticed a shift in my mood?
  5. What are the things that I'm worried about?
  6. When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
  7. What am I doing right now?

I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments whether you have any other journaling prompts for those topics and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)




