Skincare Favourites | NIVEA

I'm not usually one to talk about my skincare, not on my blog anyway, however these are the bits and bobs I have been loving over the past few months, and I have repurchased on several occasions. I've found Nivea have produced some of the best skincare products I've probably ever tried. But these are definitely the ones I keep reaching for, both at home and in Boots!

Pearl & Beauty 'Quick Dry' Anti-Perspirant

I know it's a little strange to be talking about a deodorant, however I have repurchased this particular one month, after month, after month. It smells lovely, it lasts a very long time and doesn't leave white marks on dark clothes. It does exactly what it says on the can in terms of 'quick dry'. I love it so much, I even keep miniature versions in my handbag and also in my gym bag. Overall I'm very impressed, it's well worth the more expensive price tag (dependent upon which shop you purchase it from)

Lip Butter 'Raspberry'

I do love a good, moisturising lip balm. Especially at this time of year as my lips tend to get very dry in the Summer. This is a perfect size for keeping in your handbag as well, its thin and sleek and will fit into even the smallest of handbags. It's moisturising, smells and tastes fantastic and lasts a long time on the lips. Perfect for those who are on the go and who also have the same dry lips problem that I do, not just during the Summer months, but all year round.

Caring Micellar Cleansing Wipes (3 in 1)

As far as face wipes go, these are one of the best I've tried. Not only are they thorough at getting rid of all makeup in every single little nook and cranny, they also moisturise wonderfully and they smell amazing! They're also very soft and very enjoyable to use. I feel so refreshed after using one, so much so I look forward to taking my makeup off every night before bed, something I often loathe doing, especially when I'm tired. I highly recommend these if you're looking for some new face wipes to try, you won't be disappointed!

Daily Essentials 24H Moisture Boost Night Cream

I have never been so impressed by a night cream, this, considering the price in comparison to more expensive alternatives out there, is perfect for sensitive skin. It dries quickly, smells delicious and leaves my face feeling soft and smooth. You only need a pea sized amount, a small amount goes a long way, meaning you don't have replenish your stock every single week. I apply it at night, about half an hour before bed, this way the cream has time to sink in and not transfer to my pillow case. I wake up in the morning feeling fresh faced and ready for the day. I don't apply this every night however, once every three nights usually does the job!

Daily Essentials 24H Moisture Boost SPF 15 Sensitive Day Cream

I was so impressed by the night cream that I went out and bought the day cream as well. The fact it also contains SPF 15 was a selling point for me personally, especially with all of the hot weather the UK have been having recently. It smells exactly the same as the night cream only this one is a little lighter. Like with the above, you only need a pea sized amount, as a little goes a long way! It preps the face nicely for any makeup you'd like to apply on top, foundation or concealer doesn't move around either. when applied after this moisturiser. I recommend it if you're looking for a really good quality, affordable facial moisturiser.


I hope you enjoyed this post, I will see you very soon with a new one!






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