My Goals for Spring 2021

Spring is by far one of my most favourite seasons, not only does it mark my birthday, but with it comes longer days, warmer weather, beautiful blossom and lots more sunshine. Plants and trees start budding again and lambing season is also fully underway, bringing new life into the world! But that's me done with all of that, as the new season is now in full swing, I thought it would be a nice thing to outline a few goals I had over the next few months. 

As much as I'm sure a few of you will be interested in knowing what I'm hoping to achieve, this is also for me to look back on when the season is over, enabling me to recap on some of the things I said I'd like to do and whether or not I've done actually done it. If you'd like, I'm more than happy to update you all when the summer rolls around, or even publish a new list of goals for the warmer months - let me know what you'd rather :)

Anyway, let's get into things, shall we?

Run at least 15km a week

I'm pretty much achieving this already, having run 16km in the first week of March, but the bad weather soon came in, as did ankle pain which set me back the week after, coming in at only 9.8km. But I'm determined to back on track and hope to clock up at least 15km over the course of week. You can keep up to date with all of my progress regarding this by following me on Instagram. I upload my runs here and conclude at the end of the week with the total number of kms run that week. 

Getting my family together for tapas

I am very family-orientated, so lockdown has been exceptionally difficult for me, as I know is the case for many, many people around the country. But I can't wait for the 29th March to roll around so we can have  the family over for some nibbles and drinks in the garden, including tapas. We haven't put anything like that on since we moved in here back in November, so we're excited to host someone for the very first time, even if it is outside! 

To eat more healthily

Don't get me wrong, I eat everything in moderation, and my portion sizes are pretty much avergae for a woman of my size and age, but it's more what I'm eating as opposed to how much I'm eating. I'm wanting to make more of an effort when it comes to intuitive and mindful eating. I'd like to swap carbs for veggie alternatives and try to stop snacking on HobNobs...I'm also very interested in trying the Ketogenic diet, so if you have any tips for that, then please let me know in the comments below.

Finish reading the Trevor McDonald autobiography

If you know me well, you'll understand my love for Trevor McDonald, he's just a huge inspiration and a very wise, experienced man who has faced some social challenges, but has still overcome adversity. Not to mention he is also extremely knowledgeable and I'm very interested to get some more info on the cases he's been involved with whilst reporting about them as a journalist. 

As such, I cannot wait to get my nose into that autobiography and read it from cover to cover. I must admit, I have already started it, but I'm longing to find the time to read it to the end.

Going to bed earlier and being more productive in the morning

I always feel a lot more refreshed when I've had a great night's sleep, not only does this enable me to get up and go for a run before work, but it also makes me more alert and productive when it comes to getting things done. Whether I need to start work or go food shopping, I often feel like I can take on whatever the day throws at me after having an early, peaceful night.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know if you have any goals for spring in the comments below and I will see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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