Gym Tips From An Amateur

I don't claim to be an expert on such things, especially when it comes to working out and going to the gym. But, like most of you out there trying to get into shape, its not always feasible to get a personal trainer in, or to be in the gym for every hour God sends. Nor is it a given that everyone is good at everything, which clearly isn't the case.
The gym can be a scary place, especially when you're not too confident or have only just started attending. Everyone who has joined a gym has been through the same thing, but it really isn't bad once you get used to going, and get into a routine. So, to help, I wanted to give you some helpful tips, I hope you find this useful :)
All gyms should offer this when you initially join. It is vital that you learn how to use the equipment properly and do so safely. They should demonstrate how to use each piece of equipment so that you can get the most out of your gym session.
These people are the ones that stick around, and supervise the gym you're using, if you don't have one, mention it to reception on the way out, because this is partly down to health and safety. If you do have a member of staff watching over the gym when you go, don't be afraid to ask them questions, they're paid to help you and answer and queries you may have. Whether you're unsure as to how to use the rowing machine, to what machine weight is best to get rid of bingo wings, they should be able to give you some useful advice.
Don't worry too much about free weights to begin with. If you're not sure how to use them, leave them alone. Machine weights are a lot more simple, and you can regulate the weight of them a lot more easily. You would have been given a demonstration as to how to use these during your induction, so you should feel more confident in using those. Stick to what you know.
Its very easy to go into a gym, see everyone working out with (already) perfect bodies and want to walk straight back out again, but don't feel intimidated. Everyone is at the gym for the same reason, everyone who is there wants to either lose weight, get some body definition, or just to stay/get fit. You're at the gym for at least one of those reasons too. Don't be put off by working out with people who look like professional athletes, you're all there to reach a goal, just concentrate on what you need to do, don't worry about anyone else.
To begin with, you want to start slow and steady, especially if you've not been to a gym before, or if its been some time since you last went. When using a weight machine, start on a weight your body is comfortable with, even if its a tad lighter than you'd like, just do more lifting. For example, if I used an adductor machine, I would have it on about 20kg, and I would pull the weight around 25 times, then I'd have a break and do three more rounds of 25 (with breaks between every round), so in total I'd lift the weight 100 times, but it didn't weigh an excessive amount. Even so, you can definitely feel the pull on your legs, you get results without pushing yourself too far.
To begin with, don't spend copious amounts of time in the gym, it just isn't realistic. Go three times a week at the most, have the weekends off. Spend about an hour, an hour and a half at the most, and take regular breaks. You don't want to force your body into a heavy fitness regime when it isn't used to it to begin with. Ease your body in gently, after a couple of months, perhaps up the amount of time you spend in there by half an hour, or go to the gym four days a week instead of three, small, subtle changes will ease your body in gently, this way, you won't burn out too fast, and you'll be more likely to stick to a realistic fitness regime.
You need to balance out the amount of cardio you do with the amount of weight training you do (or should be doing). After spending 20 minutes on the treadmill, take a break by going to sit down on a weight machine, put it on a low weight and lift. It doesn't have to be strenuous to get results, especially if you're just wanting muscle definition, and not wanting to build bulks of muscle. You need to lift some weights to add some definition to your body. It will also make your body stronger, which could help with skeletal problems also.
I hope you found these tips useful, I know how (sometimes) daunting joining a gym, or even getting back into it can be, especially if you're a little self conscious, we've all been there, so I hope some of these tips can help ease the pain somewhat :) I will see you on Wednesday with a brand new blog post for you all, until then guys :)


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