Organisational Tips for a Tidy Home

I know that, for me, a tidy home means a tidy mind, and this may be the case for many people. Call me sad, but I love it when I have a neat pile of clean laundry to hang up, a clean bathroom to pamper myself in and fresh bed sheets to curl up in at the end of a long day.

I find that Instagram and Pinterest is perfect for finding inspiration, providing different, innovative ways to store items, hang clothes and file documents. Something which should be mundane and boring can be made into a fun task, and you'll soon reap the benefits of it.

Here are my quick, simple tips to keep you living in, and also enjoying your clean, tidy, happy home!

Keep clutter to a minimum

When I say, 'keep clutter to a minimum', I really mean, throw things out. Don't put clutter away or hide it in boxes, get the clutter out of your house. Hanging on to bits and bobs that are of no use to you is completely counter productive. Instead, donate or sell your unwanted items - you never know, you might make someone else happy with all of your unwanted belongings.

Keeping your space clutter-free makes everything easier to maintain and also more pleasant to look at. Believe it or not, observing a clean, tidy room can make you feel a lot more organised, productive and also happy!

Look through the items you have, and ask yourself a few questions:

  1. Does this make me happy?
  2. Is this useful to me?
  3. Have I used it at all in the past 3-6 months?
  4. Do I have any intention of using this again within the next 3-6 months?
If the answer to any (or all) of those is 'no', then donate or sell it! This will help to clear out your shelves, wardrobes or even under your bed!

Do a spot of tidying every day

Little and often can often seem a lot more manageable than spending an entire day cleaning and tidying your house. Seeing as I work full time and only really have the evenings and weekends to myself, the last thing I want to be doing is spending a weekend clearing things out and tidying bits away.

Tidy up as you go along. If you get something out, put it back, if you make a mess, clean it up etc. If you come across other bits and pieces that need cleaning/tidying, do it. But don't go all out because you could be there for hours, leaving you with little time to do anything else. At the end of a working week, the last thing you want to be doing is cleaning your house, so do things little and often - this will help you to keep on top of things as well, so things don't get completely out of hand, and thus, overwhelming.

If a job can be done in under a minute - do it!

There are so many different tasks which can be done in under a minute. So don't delay if you spot something out of place or not put away. You could even put several things back in their place in under a minute, and before you know it, you have a clutter-free desk again. Simple right? So don't delay!

Always have the right tools

There's nothing worse than wanting to clean the bathroom on a Sunday afternoon (ready for the start of the working week), when all the shops are shut, to realise that you've run out of bathroom cleaner or you no longer have the appropriate sponges to do a good job! Make sure you're always fully stocked on cleaning sprays, anti-bacterial wipes, sponges and rubber gloves so you always have the right equipment to do a good job. As Scar once said in the Lion prepaaaared!

Buy more storage if you need it

Nothing annoys me more than items not having a proper place. Everything from the spices in the cupboard to the underwear in my wardrobe are housed in some sort of container, allowing me to compartmentalise everything, both inside my head and in my cupboards. This also helps me to know where everything is, which can make everyday tasks a lot easier. So when you run out of storage, buy some more. IKEA is great for this, you can buy lots of different boxes in various shapes, sizes, colours and patterns, so you can buy storage which is both useful and nice to look at! Why hesitate?


I hope you found this post useful. Let me know if you have any organisational tips which other people would find helpful! I will see you again with a brand new blog post :)






  1. I love the tip about doing anything that takes less than a minute - I've really tried to work on this recently and it makes such a difference! Even if that's the only one you do. :)

    Sammy | Self-Care Sloth


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