You Don't Need Carbs (& Other Lies)

Believe it or not, there are numerous statements that have been made in and around diet culture. Where some are true and should be taken note of should you wish to increase fitness or lose weight, there are others that are a load of s**t, and I thought I'd be the one to tell you the good news!

Myth #1 - you shouldn't eat anything after 7pm

People eat, sleep and exercise at different times of the day, there isn't a set universal time for everyone to do something. Instead of eating at set times of the day (unless someone has an eating disorder or needs to eat at regular intervals), you should eat when you're hungry. It's always better to be connected with your internal hunger cues as opposed to eating based purely on time.

It's more about how we're eating instead of what time we're eating. Some people may skip breakfast, eat a small lunch, then overeat at dinnertime. Instead, balanced meals should be eaten, but only when your body feels ready for them. Don't force feed yourself at 6pm every night if you aren't feeling it. Wait until you feel hungry, then give yourself some fuel.

Myth #2 - you don't need carbs

If you aren't eating carbs, you aren't functioning at an optimum level. The brain requires 130g of carbohydrate a day, and relies on that to produce serotonin and energy required to exercise efficiently, effectively and safely. Carbohydrates don't just come in the form of pasta and bread, but whole grains, fruit, veg and a variety of different beans are also perfect for incorporating healthy carbs into your diet. A lack of carbs could also lead to constipation, and nobody wants that!

Myth #3 - we should eat for our blood type

There is no scientific evidence to back this statement up. Whether you're an A+ or an O-, your blood type doesn't dictate what you should be fuelling your body with.

Myth #4 - juicing and cleansing is necessary

The liver and kidneys act as a natural detoxification system, removing waste products and toxins without the help of juices or cleanses. A diet which primarily consists of juice isn't as healthy as you may think. Believe it or not, they're inadequate when it comes to providing protein, fat, fatty acids and fibre - all of which are vital for a healthy balanced diet. So don't be surprised if you lose muscle mass while doing a juice cleanse.

Myth #5 - eating fat makes you fat

Weigh gain can occur for many different reasons. It may be medical for some people, or you're overeating and not exercising enough. Skipping meals and eating too much in the evenings can also lead to weight gain. Believe it or not, your brain is 60% fat and we need fat in order to absorb fat-soluble vitamins. But make sure you understand the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats, as you only want the good stuff!

Myth #6 - gluten is bad for you

Unless you have a genuine intolerance to gluten, there's no reason why you should deliberately take steps to avoid consuming it. If you're cutting gluten from your diet, you should be eating a lot more veg to make up for it. Just because something is gluten-free, doesn't mean to say it's healthier than something which contains gluten. If you aren't suffering from celiac disease, for example, there's no reason why you should be going out of your way to eat gluten-free produce.


I hope you enjoyed this post. Has it changed the way you'll be eating? Have you got any tips for anyone wanting to eat healthier? Leave your suggestions in the comment section below and I'll see you again soon with another blog post for you all!






  1. Nothing can take can take my carb addiction away from me! Hahaha. Love this post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Interesting point about the juice cleanse....I have a friend who just did one of those ten day smoothie detoxes. The idea sounds nice, but losing muscle mass can't be healthy.


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