10 Fun Things to do Before Christmas

It's (nearly) the most wonderful time of the year. If you kept up with 'Blogmas' last year, you'll be fully aware of how much I bloomin' love Christmas! So I couldn't wait to finally publish a festive post (now it's more socially acceptable). So to get us all in the Christmas spirit, I thought this would be a great post to start off with. Here's what I like to do around this time of year, and I believe that you'll love doing them too - especially if you love this time of year as much as I do!

Drink mulled wine

Mulled wine is one of my absolute favourite drinks. But I'll (obviously) only ever drink it around this time of year. Once the New Year hits, I'll not drink another drop of the delicious beverage until the next Christmas rolls around. It never fails to get me in the Christmassy mood! I shared a recipe last year, which you can view here.

Go ice skating

I'm going to be honest here, I'm not a fan of ice skating, but I'm more likely to give it a go around this time of year, especially when surrounded by a bustling Christmas market, twinkling lights and festive tunes. If you love ice skating, then there's no better time to go than Christmas.

Sing some carols

I love me a good Christmas carol sing-a-long, so when this time of year rolls around, I'm all over the carol singing, despite not being able to carry a tune...at all. But you know what? I enjoy it, so why would I want to stop? My favourite carols are 'Hark! The Herald Angels Sing' and 'O Come, All Ye Faithful'. Let me know your favourites via my social media links (at then end of this post).

Bake some cookies

Anyone who knows me will understand how much I love to bake around this time of year. From delicious fruit cakes and mince pies, to gingerbread and sugar cookies, I've made it all. But you don't need to be a whizz in the kitchen to bake some cookies. Give it a go this year, and treat friends and family to some delicious homemade treats.

Buy Christmas gifts

December can be an expensive month for everyone, but buying Christmas gifts in good time can also save you money. I like to buy the bulk of them throughout the year, so by the time December rolls around, all I have to do is buy chocolate to accompany larger gifts and spend the rest on myself (selfishly). But just in case you're a little more last minute in your gift buying, then use the upcoming month for browsing the shops and enjoying the festivities the shops have to offer.

Watch Christmas films

l love watching Christmas films. They're perfect for getting me in the festive spirit, regardless of how cheesy or corny they may be. From sloppy movies like 'Love Actually' to hilarious slapstick humour like 'Christmas Vacation', there's not a Christmas film out there I don't love. Click on the links below to see what I watch when the festive season rolls around again!

From the archives...

Donate to charity

It can be easy to forget around this time of year, that there are always people worse off than yourself. In a bid to help make life a little easier for those who need it most, donate to charity. Whether that be in the form of money or putting a shoe box together full of necessities for the homeless, you can always do your bit to help others in need. Of course, this is something which should be done all year round, but as the cold weather sets in, and we settle down with families we're lucky to have, we should spare a thought for those who don't have the things or family that we do.

Do some Christmas crafting

I'm quite a creative person in general really, but I'm a lot more hands-on around this time of year, especially when it comes to crafting and festive DIYs. From paper garlands and origami stars to homemade Christmas cards and personalised gift wrapping, I take every opportunity to be creative around the festive period. 

Buy & wear Christmas pyjamas

I live in pyjamas anyway, when I'm not at work. So of course I'm going to jump at the chance to swap out my ordinary attire for something a little more Christmassy. Cath Kidston always bring out beautifully soft festive pyjama sets with cute, understated designs that somehow still manage to scream Christmas. For the past five/six years, I've been buying and wearing Cath Kidston PJ jumpers, and I look forward to it each and every year - almost as much as I look forward to the John Lewis Christmas adverts - now that's saying something!

Stock up on wrapping paper

I'm a big believer in buying new wrapping paper every year, simply for the new designs. Don't get me wrong, I do use up the wrapping paper from the previous year on smaller gifts, but when it comes to family and friends, I do like to treat them to a completely new festive design, complete with ribbons and present toppers. I'm a sucker for tacky wrapping accessories - but only at Christmas!


I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know when you like doing at Christmas, or beforehand to get you in the festive mood! I will see you again really soon with a brand new blog post for you all. 






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