Signs You're Overdoing Your Workouts

Working out can be quite an enjoyable experience for some of us, but for others, it's just something we have to do in order to stay as healthy as possible. But whether you're doing it because you love it or doing it because you feel like you have to, it's actually possible for you to over do it in terms of how much exercise you do. 

So with that in mind, I thought I'd write a little blog post all about how to spot the signs that you're actually overdoing your workouts. If one or more of these apply to you, it's important that you take a rest day and relax until the following feelings pass. I myself have experienced some of these things, so I understand that time out can be annoying, but its necessary for your recovery :)

Anyway, let's get into it all, shall we?

Your body feels quite sore almost all the time

I've had this problem before and it's not nice, but it's your body's way of telling you to slow down and take some time off, even if it's just for a couple of days. But if the pain lasts for any more than three days, then there's a really good chance that you've overdone things a bit too much. 

If you keep exercising then your body doesn't have that time to recover properly and you could end up doing some serious damage. Stop any intense exercising for at least a few days if the soreness is relentless or take a break for as long as it takes for your muscles to heal.

Your energy levels are low

When you exercise on the regular, your energy levels usual increase, but this is with steady, moderate exercise that your body will be more used to. If you overdo things a bit too much, then it can end up tiring your body out and you'll end up using energy reserves as opposed to the fuel that's normally readily available to your body whilst your exercise and while you recover. 

A simple fix to this is to get some sleep, eat food rich in protein and essential nutrients and take a few rest days. This gives your body time to replenish its energy reserves and just generally heal, even when it comes to the muscles you use on the regular.

You're feeling more irritable than usual

Having low energy levels and just feeling generally tired will most likely result in you feeling more irritable and grumpy. This symptom will often come hand in hand with another on this list, so if this is something that sounds familiar to you, give yourselves (and those around you) a break from exercising for a while - trust me, it works :)

You feel excessively tired in the middle of the day

This often comes together with low energy levels and irritability. But if lunchtime hits and you're most interested in taking a nap than eating any food, then it's likely you've been exercising way too much recently. Have a hearty meal, get a bath or shower and go to bed early for the next few nights, just while you recover from your training.


Have you experienced any symptoms over over-exercise? Let me know in the comment section below and I'll see you again really soon with a brand new blog post for you :)






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