4 Effortless Ways to Spoil Yourself This Weekend

Awww the weekend. It's something we all look forward to at the end of a long, busy week. But do you prefer for it to be as jam backed as possible or would you prefer for it to be slightly more relaxed? Generally, I like a mixture of both. Sometimes, it's nice to have a weekend that's productive but there are other times when I really lap up a chilled out weekend doing literally nothing.

But a relaxed weekend doesn't have involve laying in bed for two days, although that's absolutely fine if you do. Here are a few things I like to do to spoil myself and feel refreshed for another working week. There's something here for everyone :)

Enjoy an indulgent dessert

I don't really have that much of a sweet tooth. In fact, I'd much rather have a starter in a restaurant than a dessert if I were to have a two course meal. However, because I don't really eat luxury puddings on the regular, indulging in a rich dessert at the weekend can hit the spot just right, depending on what it is. I'm definitely a sucker from gooey, chocolatey puds, especially if they melt in the middle.

Have a long, hot bath

I absolutely LOVE a long, hot bath. Granted, I'm not overly keen on them during the summer months, but as soon as the temperature drops, I'm straight in! I prefer to have them right before I go to bed as it never fails to fully relax me and I often have THE best night's sleep as a result, although that could be the heat knocking me out, haha.

Re-watch one of your favourite films

Certain films really do bring me a lot of joy, even if I've watched them 10,000 times before. One of those films, for me, is 'You've Got Mail' starring Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. It's a bit autumnal with some references to Christmas, so it makes me feel warm and cosy every single time I watch it. Basically, it just makes me feel happy. Oh, and there's a Golden Retriever in that film as well - pure bonus! 

Take some time out for yourself

This could literally involve anything. Whether you go out for a walk by yourself, grab a coffee by yourself, sit and read a book by yourself or even sit out in the garden and do absolutely nothing, by yourself, it's all good for the soul for you to have a bit of time without anyone else around you. I often find that it's the perfect environment to think about a lot of things and just generally feel recharged and as a result.


What do you like to do at the weekend to treat yourself? Are any of those activities the same as mine or do you like to do something a bit different? Remember, it doesn't have to be expensive or elaborate, it just has to make you feel happy :) I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post for you all!






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