5 Cleaning Hacks to Ensure Your Home is Always Visitor-Ready

We all want to have a clean home, but it's not always feasible to give it a good going over when you work full time and have other commitments. My worst nightmare is having unexpected guests when the house is in disarray, so there are a few things I make sure I do to ensure our home is always ready for visitors, even the most unanticipated ones.

1. Wipe down your counter tops every night

I always recommend doing this every night. Not only does it keep crumbs at bay, but it also makes sure the kitchen is clean and ready to use. This way, whether someone wants a coffee or a slice of cake, you always have somewhere that's free of clutter and hygienic to prepare food and drink on. It also gives visitors peace of mind that your space is clean. 

2. Put things away once you've finished using them

It sounds simple, but it's something that a lot of people forget to do, or don't have the time to do if you're working from home full time. But get into the habit of putting something back as soon as you've used it, rather than leaving it out and then finding that you have multiple things to put away later in the day. Do yourself a favour and put things back in their place as soon as possible. 

3. Have a cleaning schedule in place 

There are things I'll do once a week, like the dusting and mopping the floors, that'll help to make sure the place is clean throughout the week. Friday is the day when I'll change the bedding, clean the floors, dust the skirting boards etc. I have always had this schedule in place. It makes sure the house is clean for the weekend and the days after, so it'll always be visitor-ready.

4. Clean little & often

Cleaning the whole house all in one go isn't always plausible. People just don't have the time to use an entire day to deep clean the house, but what you should do is make sure that a certain amount of cleaning is done every so often. 

For example, I'll mop the floors and dust on a Friday, but throughout the week I'll wipe down the coffee table and TV stand, then another day I'll clean the bathroom, then another day I'll flush through the coffee machine to keep it clean. It sounds like a lot, but if you do one thing a day that's small and manageable, you'll soon find that your house stays clean, so you're always ready for those unexpected visitors.

5. Don't forget about your dishwasher

A dishwasher is an absolute lifesaver. If you have dirty dishes out on the counter tops, then pack them into your dishwasher. It only takes about thirty seconds to put a couple of plates and bowls into the dishwasher and then they're out of the way and out of the sight. Your visitors would never know that you'd just had a bowl of pasta or a cup of coffee. This trick also helps to keep your kitchen clutter-free.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below what you like to do to make sure your house is visitor-ready 24/7 and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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