Here's to Twenty Seven

So that's it, I'm 27 now (weird!). Yesterday was absolutely lovely, I had a really wonderful day. I felt so lucky to have received cards and gifts from so many people, it really did make the day. I had such a good day in fact that I wanted to document it right here on my blog. It also means I can look back on it in years to come and remember what I did on the day I turned 27.

Eggs Benedict & present opening

Tom was kind enough to cook me a delicious breakfast - eggs Benedict! I completely forgot to take a photo of it because I was so hungry. By the time I remembered, it had all been eaten, haha. After breakfast, we opened cards and presents and then got showered and dressed ready for a day out at Kedleston Hall.

Lambs, views, coffee & cake at Kedleston Hall

We drove over to Kedleston Hall, a National Trust site in the heart of Derbyshire. We took the long way round, completing a 5.1km route and coming across a lonely lamb on our travels. It looked to be a bit lost, so we stood with it for a while and tried to get him over to its mother and eventually, it did. 

It was super cute and very tiny, mainly because it's spring and it's only just been born. It was a real treat to see such a young lamb in the flesh. The views across the park were fantastic, especially with the waterfalls, rolling hills and elaborate gardens.

After we got back to the house (which we didn't look around), we went to the restaurant and had a coffee and a bit of cake each, which kind if undid the walk we did, but hey ho, it as my birthday, haha. It was actually delicious, both the coffee and the cake. I had a flapjack and a latte whereas Tom had a slice of Victoria sponge cake and a flat white.

Flower pot hunt & Camellia addition

 After Kedleston Hall, we ventured to the garden centre in the search for a flower pot that matched the one we have outside our front door currently. Our existing one houses a hydrangea, so we wanted a matching one to go on the other side of our front door.

Unfortunately, they didn't quite have what we were looking for (as we want an exact match to our current one), but we did walk away with a red Camellia and a plant pot for that. So now, whenever I look at it, I'll think back to my 27th birthday and how much of a good day it was.

Cottage pie, birthday cake & home movies

When we got home, we had my parents and my sister round for dinner. We ate cottage pie, drank wine and had some birthday cake for pudding. Afterwards, we snuggled down on the sofa and watched a few home videos, some of which are 20+ years old, which is mad to me because I remember a lot of it like it was yesterday. Then, everyone went home and we went to bed!


That was how my 27th birthday went! I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments whether you've been to Kedleston Hall or would like to go at some point and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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