Our Home Office Reveal

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll know that, a few weeks ago, we started work on our home office. When we moved into the house, the room that we wanted to be our home office was all-white, painted with low-quality trade paint, the walls were mouldy, the skirting board was plastic, with some of it painted with emulsion and other parts of it not being painted at all. 

The floor was old, brittle and bubbling and even the architrave was put on the wall wrong and was painted with emulsion. It was all old and not looked after. It also had a slight musty, doggy sell to it (the previous owners had dogs) and we just didn't feel 100% comfortable spending 8 hours a day in there. So we made the decision to, over the course of just one week, rip it all out and start again. 

As well as replacing all of the electrical sockets, and the light switch, we even had to rip out the old window sill and put a new one in, that's how much work needed to be done on such a small room. But you know what? We did it! I haven't really got many before pictures, which is why this isn't a 'before and after' type post, but I will include what I do have for you. Anyway, the whole point of this post is to show case the new office space. Take a browse through the photos and just enjoy :)


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know what your thoughts are and whether or not you have a home office that you've done up or need to do up and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!






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