Tips for Finding the Best Sunglasses for Your Face Shape

It can be difficult to find the right sunglasses for your face shape, more so if you're buying them online. Where many companies that sell glasses have software available that will allow you to virtually wear their spectacles, it's never the same as trying them on in real life. But if you can't do that, then here are a few tips when shopping for sunglasses, depending on your face shape.

If you have a round face

People with rounder faces should, essentially, avoid glasses that are round in shape. This is a general rule of thumb for those who are looking to buy sunglasses online without having seen them or tried them on in real life. You should instead opt for square or rectangular frames to counteract your round facial features.
  • Avoid soft lines
  • Don't choose rounded edges
  • Opt for square frames
  • Try rectangular frames 

If you have a square face

Much like as you'd avoid round glasses if you have a round face, the same goes for those who have more of a square face. Choose glasses that are round or oval, but don't go too small. You could even try glasses that are rimless as a way of subtly making a statement throughout your sunglasses. Refrain from choosing glasses with a square or rectangular frame or lens.
  • Choose round frames
  • Try rimless frames
  • Pick soft lines
  • Avoid square or rectangular frames

If you have a heart-shaped face

Although unusual, there are people in the world or have a heart-shaped face. Those people should avoid glasses with harsh lines or straight frames, instead choosing glasses with a softer or rounder look. Unlike those with round or square face shapes, those with heart-shapes faces should choose a pair of sunglasses that actually mimic their face shape. Lenses that are cat-eye-shaped or even aviators are a go-to choice for those with heart-shaped faces.
  • Choose cats-eyes-shaped frames
  • Give Aviators a go
  • Choose glasses that mimic your face shape
  • Avoid harsh or straight lined-frames

If you have an oval face

Oval-shaped faces are more common than those with heart-shaped faces, but just like those with heart-shaped faces, you should choose glasses that are round in shape, somewhat mimicking your oval face shape. Over-sized frames will also work a dream for those with oval faces, but refrain from choosing frames that are too narrow or are overly small. 
  • Avoid square or rectangular frames
  • Choose round shapes
  • Oversized frames will work
  • Avoid frames that are too small or narrow

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that you found it useful? Let me know in the comments below how you get on with your sunglasses shopping and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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