4 Reasons Why You Need a Sherpa Blanket Right Now

It's January and it's extremely cold. Where we've battled through strong winds and unrelenting rain, we're now experiencing some bitterly cold temperatures. But where you might want to go and turn the thermostat up, you should instead buy a sherpa blanket. A sherpa blankets are thick, long and wide blankets that rival any other blanket on the market. They're often adorned with faux sheep skin to elevate their warmth even more, but let me tell you why you need to buy a sherpa blanket today!

1. They're thick & warm

With the faux sheepskin and a thick and fleecy top, it really is a very warm blanket to have in your living room, ready for use whenever you're feeling a bit chilly. They're also pretty big, so even the tallest of people will be able to make sure of a sherpa blanket, without having to compromise on the temperature of their feet, haha.

2. They're stylish

They come in a array of different designs, which we'll get onto in a moment, but that's what makes them so stylish and what draws people like me to have them in their homes. You'll be able to find a sherpa blanket that fits with your style and decor, regardless of whether you like the colour of my sherpa blanket or not, you'll be sure to find one that you deem stylish and complimentary. 

3. They come in many different colours & designs

Sherpa blankets are available in many different colours and designs. Whether you want an all faux sheepskin blanket or one that has two layers, you'll be able to find one that works for you and your home. They're also available in a range of colours and tones, as well as ones that are plain, and not cable-knit like the one I have. There are also some sherpa blankets that have a different material on the top, whether it be wool knit, fleece or anything in between.

4. They're super affordable 

You can pick sherpa blankets up for a fraction of the cost of some cable-knit blankets. The one I have cost just £25, and you get a hell of a lot of blanket. They're also great for putting on your bed during the colder weather. It might be a larger outlay than you might hae liked for a blanket, but it's far cheaper then whacking your heating on for hours on end.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments below whether or not you have a sherpa blanket, or whether I have a persuaded you to buy one, and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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