Everything I Take On Long Car Journeys

Don't get me wrong, as much as I love this little dog, who belongs to my parents, I don't actually bring her with me on long car rides, haha. We recently went on a long car journey when we travelled to Edinburgh, and there were a few things I made sure I had with me before we set off for our six hour road trip. I just thought I'd share with you everything I bring me to make the journey as comfortable as possible! 

A takeout coffee

It's not the case every time that we stop off at a Starbucks for a coffee. Sometimes I'll make one at home and bring it with me in a travel cup. But something I can't quite survive without when it comes to going on long car rides is a decent cup of coffee. So whether I bring one from home or buy one on the road, a coffee is an absolute necessity in my mind, haha.

A bottle of water

Coffee makes me thirsty, but then I do find myself needing something to wet the old whistle whether I've had a coffee or not. That and you need to stay hydrated, especially when spending hours at a time inside a car with the AC on. A bottle of water is a staple when it comes to going on long car ride.

Some warm layers

I like to be warm all the time, whereas Tom prefers to be a bit cooler. As a compromise, I will always layer up in the car. This way, I can remove layers if I'm too hot but then put them on again if I'm feeling too cold. That and it's helpful if you every find yourself, God forbid, stranded somewhere waiting for the RAC to come and get you. Where that's an unlikely event, it's still good to be somewhat prepared for the worst.

A change of shoes

This might seem like a strange thing to take on a long car journey, but it goes back to the point I've just made. If you ever find yourself broken down on the side of the road, not only are you going to need to be warm, but you also don't know what kind of terrain you'll have to walk on. I like to bring some walking shoes with me, just in case the worst should happen.

A thick, warm coat

Again, this is something I like to bring just in case we end up stranded. It did happen to us before when Tom had is (literally) old car, so I've learnt a few lessons from that experience, which is why I want to make sure I have as much with me as possible so that I don't freeze or become dehydrated. 

The same goes for Tom, I like to make sure he has the same things that I do, because you really never know. A thick, warm coat is just the ticket when it comes to long car journeys, even if you just need to throw something on to walk to the service station in.

A mobile phone charger

A mobile phone is paramount to have on long journeys. You can update family about where you are on your journey, but you can also contact other people, like breakdown services or insurance companies should something happen that you weren't expecting. 

I like to keep a cable in the car just to make sure that my phone is charged adequately at all times. It also helps when it comes to looking at maps and directions, although I do like to keep an old fashioned map in the car, because signal can be hard to come by.


I hope you found this blog post useful? Let me know in the comments below whether there's anything that you like to bring on long car journeys and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post!






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