Friday Throwback

I know this seems like a pretty random blog post, but I've been meaning to do one of these for a while. It makes me really happy to look back through photos from my childhood! It feels me with nostalgia, and a lot of the time, I can remember back to the very time that photo was taken and exactly how old I was! I'm happy to share these with you, not only because I thought it would be a fun post for those of you who know me, and for those of you who don't know me in real life, but via my blog, Instagram or Twitter (or all three), but I also thought it would be nice for me to look back at without having to rummage through the dusty boxes filled with photos which are easily 20 years old now!

Let's get on with it shall we? We can all have a good laugh, and I hope you smile along with me :)

 May 1995

This is one of the first photos my parents ever took of me, I was just old enough to lift my head!

 October/November 1995

We're not 100% sure when this photo was taken, but I was about 7/8 months old here :)

 November 1995

I was pretty much the same age here as I was in the previous photo! Look at the sofa pattern! It makes me laugh every time!

 January 1996

I was 10 months old here! What a OTT dress I have on! #90s

 June 1996

I know it's pretty obvious, but I'm the child with the dungarees on smiling at that boy's hand! Apparently, that nursery worker was my favourite person employed there!

 June 1996

This photo was taken on the same day as the previous one! As you can probably guess, I'm the child at the back!

 September 1996

This is me, having a little tea party with my little one year old friends! I'm the one in the middle!

 April 1999

Here I am in Spain with my Mum (and my dad, he was taking the photo) an my little brother, I'm four here, and my brother is only two!

 July 1999

I actually remember when this photo was taken, this was at my friend's (Lawrence) house! I was about a year older than him, but we were best friends in nursery. I don't know him anymore, but I do love this photo.

 January 2000

Here, my sister is three months old, and I was nearly five in this photo. You can just about see my brother in the bottom corner of the photo and he had only just turned three.

 March 2000

I know it looks like there are four candles on that cake, but there are actually five, you just can't really see the fifth one very well in this photo. This was my first birthday after I started Primary School (in September 1999) and I had just made some new friends, and I remember being really excited about inviting them to my party! I had a Robin Hood themed birthday party! I also remember getting my first Barbie as a present :)

 June 2000

This was my brother and I at White Post Farm! We had just seen a 'Punch and Judy' act and the staff let us play on the hay bales afterwards! I also remember it being very hot!

 May 2001

This is me and my brother (again), building a sand castle in Skegness! I was about six years old here, and my brother was four! We actually got lost on this day trip, and it's the first time I ever felt panic!

 July 2001

I'm not actually sure where this was, but I remember there being lots of geese and I was really scared of them!

 March 2003

We're jumping forward a couple of years to my eighth birthday! This was taken on my birthday actually, the glowing ball of light under my face was actually from some candles on my cake which you can't see, and that little face next to me is my sister, aged four!

July 2003

This was the Summer where my mum and I went to visit the place where Princess Diana is buried. Her grave is actually on the little island behind me in this photo in the middle of the lake. My mum and I actually met her brother in the bookshop there! 

I hope you enjoyed this blog post! I will see you SUNDAY with a brand new blog post! So keep your eyes peeled my friends!



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