Rain Rain (Don't) Go Away

For ages, I have wanted a yellow raincoat, but didn't find any I really liked. Either the shade of yellow wasn't right or the material felt weird. So when I came across this in Sainsbury's TU clothing range, I had to buy it. Not only is it the exact shade of yellow I was looking for, but I have never seen one with a blue and white checked pattern in the hood and on the sleeves, before!

The reason why I don't want the rain to go away is because then, I won't be able to justify wearing this coat at any given chance I get. It would look a bit strange, wouldn't it, if I wore it on a bright, warm and sunny day with no chance of rain?

I feel like the danger with some of these raincoats, especially when meant for fashion purposes only, is they aren't great at doing what they say on the tin...keeping the rain out. This one is shower resistant, so when the rain lands on my coat, the droplets settle on the material and then roll off, as if the water droplets had never been there.

Either way, I love this coat (if you can't yet tell, haha!). The colour makes it incredibly versatile, going well with pretty much everything! It also adds a much needed hint of cheery colour on a grey, wet and chilly day when the rain begins to pour. 


I hope you enjoyed this post. Let me know if you have a coat like mine, or if you're still on the hunt for the perfect one. I will see you very soon with another post :)




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