April Favourites

Can you believe that the end of the month is upon us already? No, I can't either! But here we are and so it's time for another monthly favourites posts. So, as you can probably guess, here's everything I have been loving throughout the month of April...the last one is a little strange, but who doesn't love comfort food? Haha. Let's get stuck in then, shall we?

Erika Sunglasses from Ray Ban

I bought these at the start of April and whenever the sun is out, I just have to whip them out and stick them on. They're my new obsession when the sun shines, so much so, I've left the house with my sunglasses in hand, but forgotten to bring a mask with me...priorities, right? If you'd like to learn more about the sunglasses or just want a closer look at them, I wrote an entire blog post about them that you can read here.

Running, running & more running

You've heard me talk about running before and how much I like doing it these days, but it's become something I've had even more motivation to do this month due to a mini health check I had done recently. Turns out that since having the same tests done pre-Covid pandemic, my health and fitness has dramatically improved, including a fair bit of weight loss as well (a 6kg loss to be precise). 

I haven't been changing the way I eat either, so it can only be down to the running I have been doing since lockdown began over a year ago. I can't really express how proud I am of both myself and my body as physical entity, because I feel healthier and fitter and I have a lot more energy now than I ever have done. Having that mini health check done and seeing great results has only motivated me to keep it up and continue to be as fit and healthy as possible.

My trusty foam roller

I feel like the world and his wife has seen me talk about how great having a foam roller is when you do lots of exercise. I go running four/five times a week, so for me it's been a game changer with regards to how fast my muscle recovers. I love it that much, I even dedicated a whole blog post to the benefits of a foam roller and why you should totally get one.

My North Face jacket

This is purchase I made towards the end of March. I really needed a new outdoor jacket, for going walking and just general outdoorsy things, essentially. It's a forest green colour with a cream, removable fleece inside. There's also a hood that can be worn when it rains, but is neatly tucked away for ease. 

The reason why it's on my favourites list this month is because I have been living in it when out and about and when sitting in our families' gardens. We aren't allowed to mix with anyone indoors, who isn't in your household, yet in the UK, so this jacket is perfect for keeping me toasty, even when sat outside into the night.

Homemade cottage pie with broccoli 

Possibly one of the weirdest 'favourites' you've probably ever come across, but I don't think I've ever eaten as many cottage pies has I have done this month. I'm also a HUGE fan of broccoli - I'll eat it with everything and anything. I once just had a bowl of broccoli for lunch and that was it! But anyway, a nice hot, fresh cottage pie with thick, herby mash that's just come out of the oven is most definitely my favourite thing to have for dinner right now and throughout April, for some reason, haha.


What have you been loving this month? Are any of them the same as mine? Let me know in the comments below and I will see you again very soon with a brand new blog post for you :)






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