4 Things You Should Get Done Before 9am

I'm not an early bird by any stretch of the imagination, but there are some things I will make time for before I start the working day (because let's face it, no one is getting up before 9am at the weekend, haha). I don't have a great list of things that need doing, just a couple of small, but worthwhile bits and bobs to help start the day off right. 

Just because the following tasks feature in this blog post doesn't mean to say that you absolutely have to do them, it's just something I think you'd find beneficial. Let me know if there's something you do differently - I'd love to see what others do to start off their day.

Do some exercise

I get up and go running some mornings, but you don't have to go that extreme to get some morning exercise in. You could even try your hand at a bit of yoga or try and get some steps in by walking around your garden or go for a brisk walk around the block before you put the coffee machine on. If you have a dog, you could even take him or her out for an early morning run-about. The way in which you get your body moving is entirely up to you :)

Have some quiet time 

My quiet time comes after the exercise I do. I'll usually spend some time in the shower and just generally looking after my body after a run so as to avoid injury and speed up recovery times. But this is often something I'll do quietly, on my own, whether I'm giving my legs a stretch, enjoying a glass of water or washing my hair.

Eat some healthy food

There's loads of healthy breakfast options available these days. Whether you're a fruit and yoghurt type person, enjoy a bowl of thick, yummy porridge or would rather have some Wheetabix with sliced bananas, there'll be a breakfast dish out there for you that'll be both tasty and nutritious all at the same time.

Make a list of priorities

Sit down and make a list of things that need to be done that day. Refrain from making a list as long as your arm, because that just won't be feasible or realistic when you work full time. Instead, have a couple of important things you'd like to tick off the list, but don't give yourself a hard time if you can't get those things sorted when you wanted to.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments what you like to do before 9am and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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