How to Drink More Water

I know a fair number of people who find it difficult to drink an adequate amount of water, and they're not alone, because I often struggle to consume the recommended amount of water. But after looking into the many ways in which I can encourage myself and provide incentives to drink enough water each day, I've found that the level of liquid I've been consuming has increased dramatically!

Set yourself a daily goal

We're often a lot more likely to achieve what we want to achieve when we set our own realistic goals. Give yourself the opportunity to go above and beyond your initial aims by setting a certain amount of milestones along the way.

For example, perhaps start week one with a goal of drinking one litre of water a day, then by the end of week two, aim to drink one and a half litres of water a day, then by the end of week three, aim to drink two litres of water a day and so on. It's all about settling yourself into the challenge as opposed to going in all guns blazing, so to speak.

Buy a reusable water bottle

This will be extremely helpful, especially if you're busy or go out and about often. This way, no matter what it is you're doing, you'll be able to stick to your goals when it comes to drinking a decent amount of fluid every day. You'll have no excuse but to bring your reusable bottle with you wherever you go, and it'll also save on the washing up.

Set reminders

It can be difficult to even remember to drink fluids throughout the course of a day, especially if you're busy working or doing other things. We have plenty of distractions that can stop us from consuming the amount of water we would like, so set reminders over the day to simply stop and have a few gulps of water. This will also help to get you into a routine, so at some point, you might not even need the reminder as it'll become fully ingrained in your mind.

Replace your usual drinks with water

If, at 10am, you normally have a coffee, swap the coffee for a glass of water. If you normally enjoy an ice cold can of Diet Coke with lunch, then have a cold cup of water instead. You might even find that you eat less as water is very filling - great if you're wanting to shed a few pounds!

Buy a water filter

This one is more to help with the environment, but instead of buying bottled water, because I know how some people feel about tap water, buy a water filter to help get rid of the distinct taste that comes with tap water. Trust me, it's an absolute game changer.

Keep sipping water throughout the day

You'll be surprised by how much water you'll get through by simply sipping it every so often. You'll find that you'll get down quite a hefty amount of it throughout the day as it'll become second nature to you. Sooner or later, you'll find yourself pouring another glass without even realising. 


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments how you manage to drink more water, or if you have anymore tips for everyone. I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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