4 Ways to Make Your Morning Coffee Routine as Eco-Friendly as Possible

If you don't love coffee, then chances are you'll know someone who does. But if, like me, you love a cup of Joe, then here are a few ways you can make your morning coffee routine as eco-friendly and sustainable as possible, whether you're into coffee pods, bean-to-cup machines or the instant stuff. You never know, some of the following tips might even save you a bit of dough, too - let's see shall we?

Make your coffee at home

We're all guilty of craving a coffee from one of the big name shops and, granted, they can be delicious. But then again, they're also costly and never 100% what you expect. So we decided to mitigate that problem by bringing a bean-to-cup coffee machine into the house and my goodness, it makes one hell of a good coffee! I know they can be expensive initially, but if you compare it to how much you'd spend on a few Starbucks coffees over the course of the week, then you'll soon be reaping the financially benefits.

Even if you don't have a bean-to-cup machine and you have a coffee pod alternative, then you'll still be saving money when it comes to buying the hot stuff off big name brands. Instant coffee drinkers will still be able to get a good cup of Joe even without something as fancy as a milk frother. But that doesn't mean to say that you can't go out and enjoy an occasional sup of coffee down at your local Cafe Nero - just recycle your disposable cup afterwards.

So how does this help the environment? Well you won't be using petrol to drive to your local coffee shop, unless you're lucky enough to be within walking or cycling distance. It'll also reduce the amount of disposable cups that are thrown away and not recycled as they aren't accepting reusable alternatives right now. Did you know it's actually possible for you to recycle your disposable coffee cups? Bring them into places such as Costa or take them to a local recycling centre for peace of mind.

Read about our bean-to-cup coffee machine here.

Opt for reusable, recyclable or biodegradable coffee pods

Coffee pod machines are all the rave right now. They're cheaper than bean-to-cup machines but still offer that coffee shop finish so many of us are looking to achieve at home. But there are many sustainable coffee pods on the market that'll make your morning routine as eco-friendly as possible. Do some research into which ones are best for your lifestyle and your machine. You'll be able to choose between recyclable, reusable and biodegradable pods, so the coffee world is your oyster in that sense!

Use a refillable cup made from eco-friendly materials

Reusable coffee cups can be found literally everywhere. Whether you're looking on Amazon or in your local supermarket, you'll be guaranteed to find something that'll simply do the job when it comes to safely holding your hot liquids. With loads of sizes, patterns and colours to choose from, you'll be spoilt for choice when it comes to stylish coffee cups. 

My coffee cup is made from bamboo. You don't absolutely have to get one that's made from sustainable materials, but if you can, then you'll be helping the environment even further and they also come in a wide range of interesting patterns - so you can look great and save the planet at the same time.

Compost your coffee grounds

Not many people know this, but you can actually put your coffee grounds out in the garden to help your plants and flowers grow. It's actually a great alternative to compost, especially if you're wanting to save a bit of money during the summer season when it comes to looking after your outdoor space. It's much better than putting it all in the bin!






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