Habits I Want to Adopt in 2022

Everyone's doing a 'goals for 2022' blog post so I wanted to do something slightly different from that. Where you could dub this as a new years resolution thing or even a 'goals for 2022' alternative, this is meant more as a list of habits I'd like to pick up, but I'm not committing myself entirely to these habits. We'll just see how I get on as the year progresses and I'll do an update blog post further down the line for you so you can see how I got on. So what habits am I looking to adopt, exactly? Let me tell you :)

Getting dressed when working from home

I know that you might think this sounds very simple and not worth the effort or you might be absolutely shocked that I haven't really been getting dressed properly when I'm working at home, but either way, I want to make the effort to get up, washed and dressed every morning. I find that I'm in a better mindset when I feel fresh and ready to start the day and I only feel like taking on the day when I'm dressed for biz.

I feel like even if I get showered and change into a big fluffy jumper and a pair of leggings then I'll feel put together and motivated to get all of my work done and that's why I've made it a habit that I want to pick up in 2022.

Adopt a regular running pattern now my ankle has heeled

Back in October 2021, my ankle suffered rather a nasty injury when out running. I had torn a ligament and couldn't walk on it for a few days. But now I feel like enough time has passed to allow for it to heel as much as possible so I want to get back into my running programme. I'm wanting to complete a half marathon in September and I was well on track with training last year so when I did my ankle in I was absolutely gutted.

But I've been doing plenty of strengthening exercises to help it along with recovery and it no longer hurts when I do them so I'm taking that as a good sign. I've also been dreaming about running a lot so I think, mentally, I'm ready to get back into it, it's just a matter of whether my ankle is ready. 

I think I'll start with a short distance - 1 or 2 km perhaps and see how I get on with that. It also means that I'm not going too far away from the house in case my ankle decides to pack up again so it's well planned and thought out. I'll be sure to keep you posted with how that goes.

Eat more fruit during the day

Don't get me wrong, I love to eat fruit and veg (veg especially), My favourite things include broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cherry tomatoes and apples. But of that entire list, only one of them is a fruit (I'm not counting the tomato, haha) so I thought I'd try and make more of an effort this year to eat a piece of fruit that isn't an apple and to make a habit of it as well. So I went out and bought some satsumas, grapes and bananas to start me off so I'll be sure to update you on how that health kick goes so keep your eyes peeled.

Cook more dishes from scratch

When you work full time and are pretty busy with other things that life has to throw at you, the last thing you want to do is slave away in the kitchen over a hot stove cooking your dinner from scratch. But I actually came across a list of rather simple dinner recipes that are both healthy and can be cooked from scratch. Even making your own pasta sauces seems simple enough with the right herbs and spices. So I'd like to cook a few dishes, such as chilli con carne, spag bol and even the odd curry, from scratch.

Looking after my finger nails more

I have never been one for looking after my finger nails. Although I don't make a habit of chewing my nails, I have been known to do on it occasions so it's no wonder that they aren't in the best condition. But the thing is, I used to work in a supermarket so doing my nails wasn't ever something that bothered me because they'd get destroyed within five minutes of working a shift. 

But now I have an office job and also working from home, I think it would be much easier to take better care of them and also to make them look nice. It would be great to paint my nails and experience un-chipped polish for more than five minutes, so watch this space.

Drinking more tea and less coffee

This is a tough one for me because I'm an absolute sucker for coffee. I'm not talking about banning myself from enjoying a caffeinated hot beverage, but I just think I should drink less of it. When I feel like I need a hot drink, I'll force myself to have a cup of Earl Grey rather than make myself another coffee but we'll see how it goes. Right now I'm absolutely committed to making this work, but check back with me again in a month or two and I might not have stuck to this one - we'll see, haha.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments whether or not you're looking to pick up any good habits this year and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new article!






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