How to Get into the Autumn Spirit

Autumn is fast-approaching, so before it starts, I thought I'd drop some hints and tips about how you'll be able to get into the autumn spirit. I love making the most of autumn because it's one of my most favourite times of year, so I like to be able to make the most of it. Part of that is getting into the spirit of things almost as soon as the Halloween sweets and decor hits the shelves in the supermarket. So without further a do, here's how you can get into the spirit of autumn so you can make the most of everything the season has to offer:

  1. Buy a pumpkin during your weekly food shop
  2. Had into Starbucks and buy a seasonal drink, or make one at home
  3. Create an autumnal playlist to listen to
  4. Visit your local garden centre and have a gander at their autumnal decor
  5. Bake something sweet with either apple or pumpkin
  6. Light a sweet, delicious-smelling candle
  7. Watch a spooky film, or one that gives you cosy vibes (I live 'You've Got Mail'!)
  8. Wear something soft and warm that you can snuggle down in
  9. Pick up a scary TV series
  10. Write down a list of things you're grateful for

I hope you enjoyed this blog post and that it's helped you to get into the spirit of things as autumn descends upon us? Let me know in the comments below what you like to do to get yourself into the autumn spirit and I'll see you all again very soon with a brand new blog post :)






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