8 Tips for Hiking Through Yosemite

Yosemite is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It's somewhere I would love to go back to, despite having a few other destinations on my bucket list. One of my most memorable experiences was hiking through the forest, seeing giant trees that are so enormous that there's nothing you can really compare them with. 

People often visit Yosemite to see all of the sights, and one of the best ways to do that is to go hiking. If you're thinking of hiking through Yosemite when you go, here are a few of the tips I have for you so that you can stay as safe as possible whilst also having a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

1. Know where you're going

When it comes to hiking through Yosemite, it's all in the planning. Plan your route and make sure you know where you're going on the map before going on your hike. Look at the route carefully on a map so that you know what to expect, including gradients, elevation and distance. It might look good on paper, but will you physically be able to walk it? Be sensible and plan ahead.

2. Let people know which route you're planning on taking

Whether your loved ones are in the same country or thousands of miles away, make sure you tell someone outside of your party where you're planning on walking and when. This will give rescuers a clue as to your whereabouts should the worst happen. 

3. Take plenty of water

The routes through Yosemite can be extremely long. We walked about 6 miles, which is a very short route when compared to others. As such, you need to make sure that you're bringing a good amount of water in order to stay hydrated. 

Water is more important than food. If you're going to bring snacks, make sure they're high in protein. But water is the most important thing you need to be bringing with you on a hike through Yosemite, especially in the summer. 

4. Wear layers

This is more the case if you're going in the spring, but even in the summer, Yosemite can be cool. This is largely down to either the shade the trees create or the height at which you're hiking. Where you can walk around Yosemite Valley, there are also routes that take you quite high up, which is where the cold can set in. 

You'll be likely to feel the cold most at the start of the day and later in the afternoon. In order to regulate your temperature properly, layer up so that you can put layers on and take layers off as and when you feel the need to. I know it's more to carry, but it's imperative that you're dressed properly.

5. Don't stray from the path

This might sound like common sense, however, it's a lot easier said than done when it comes to hiking through Yosemite. There are marked-out routes, but they're only obvious to a point. Once the paths run out, look for signs of wear, which is usually where many hikers before you have tread. 

Don't be tempted to go down banks or hills to get a closer look at the stream or waterfall. This is easily how hikers can become disorientated and lose their way. Don't stray from the path if you're hiking in Yosemite and don't want to get lost.

6. Bring a whistle

It sounds daft, but bringing a whistle gives you the perfect opportunity to let people know where you are. If the worst happens, they'll be able to trace you by following the noise you're making, which is far louder and less energy-consuming than screaming or shouting for help. Rangers will know what to listen out for and a whistle is the most effective way of alerting people to your whereabouts.

7. Have a map on hand

There's very little phone signal, if any, in Yosemite. If you've planned a hike on a specific route, then don't rely solely on technology to get you around. Make sure you have a physical map on hand so that you're always aware of where you're going, even if you have to turn back and go back the way you came because you've got lost. 

8. Be aware of the wildlife

Yosemite is home to many creatures. We saw a little chipmunk on our hike through the forest. But there is a likelihood that you could see a bear. Bears are still present in Yosemite, mostly black bears. There are plenty of signs throughout Yosemite that tell you what to do should you come across a bear, so follow those instructions and make sure you remember them.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post? Let me know in the comments if you have any other tips for those hiking through Yosemite and I'll see you again very soon with some brand new content!






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