7 Ways to Make a Good Impression When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can be a daunting prospect, especially seeing as you'll be meeting lots of new people and you may also have to get to grips with new software or ways of working. But on top of all of that, we also want to make a good impression on our new employers.

I understand that, during these times, we can't really make the same impressions as we could have done in real life and that's a challenge for both yourself and your new employer. But there are still things you can do that'll help to build rapport and ensure you give a great first impression in your new job.

1 | Ask lots of questions

This is important for the simple reason that you need to know what you're doing. It also shows that you're willing to learn and acquire new skills, no matter occupation you're in. Being pro-active is just what they're looking for in a employee, so keep that eagerness up and you'll soon end up learning a considerable amount from those with more experience than you - it's absolutely invaluable!

2 | Make notes - you never know when you might need them

Whether someone has taught you how to do something and you need some gentle reminders or if you simply need to remember to do something, then writing it down is so important. It showcases your organisational skills and it also proves that you can be efficient when it comes to prioritising and accuracy. Always keep a notebook and a pen handy because you never know when you might need them during a meeting or if something important just pops into your head.

3 | Always be positive

Thinking happy, positive thoughts will help to keep you in the right mindset, especially if it's your first week in a new job. Having a bright outlook on things comes hand-in-hand with positive thinking, ensuring that you'll also be as productive and as forward-thinking as possible. Keep up that attitude and it'll stand you in good stead for the duration of your employment.

4 | Don't be late

Rule number one when you get a new job - don't arrive late. Believe it or not, you can still "turn up" late even when working from home. Whether you join the morning Zoom call ten minutes late or if you log into the Microsoft Teams a little later than you should do, the same impression will still be made as if you walked into the office ten minutes late. There'snot much excuse for it either, so don't expect your employer to be very understanding of the situation, especially if you show up with a coffee in hand - ouch.

5 | Dress for the job

Again, this is something that others can appreciate more when you're physically in the office, but it can still set you up right from the offset, even on a Zoom call. As well as coming across as a well-presented individual, it's a widely known fact that getting showered and dressed in the morning before a day of working from home can put you in the right mindset as well as make you feel more productive and awake at the same time.

6 | Try and offer solutions to problems where possible

No matter how big or small the problem is, try and interject and offer up some solutions to the problems other people have. Whether you suggest a course of action in a team meeting or simply give one colleague some information to ponder, you're still being proactive as opposed to waiting in the sidelines for someone else to come up with a few options. 

Businesses thrive on teamwork, so if anything, your employer will thank you for any involvement you have, even if you think the idea is stupid. The likelihood is, your team won't think it's silly and you can show that you're able to offer up fresh ideas and a new perspective.

7 | Just be yourself

A bit cliche, I know, but it's true! You have to work with the people in your team and that's much more easily done if you fit in with the group. It can be a nerve racking experience, starting a new job, but let your personality shine through and all your other qualities will come through with it. It'll also take time, so be patient with yourself and take things as they come - you'll be totally fine!


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments how you made a good first impression on your first day in your new job. I will see you again very soon with a brand new blog post for you all :) Oh! Good luck with the new job x






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