6 Tips for Moving House

Moving house is a very exciting time, but it can also prove to be quite stressful, especially if it's your first time. In a bid to make the process as pain free, but also as enjoyable, as possible, I've put together a few tips to help ease the burden of the process that is moving house. If you have any tips yourself that you feel could be added to this list, feel free to leave a comment in the section below, it would be interesting to see how you guys cope (or have coped) with moving house.

1 | Start packing as soon as possible

As soon as you know you're going to be moving house, start packing up your belongings. It might not seem like such a big task, but when you really get down to it, you'll soon realise that you had a lot more than you initially thought you did. If you start packing well in advance, then you can plan for all the unexpected cupboard-fulls and stuffed drawers.

2 | Label everything

When I say everything, I literally mean, EVERYTHING! Whether you can vaguely see what's in the box or not, you need to label all the bags and boxes you have. This will make things much easier when it comes to placing items at the other end. Don't get your kitchen appliances mixed up with your bathroom toiletries, it doesn't make for a good combo!

3 | Check that furniture will fit through doors

If this is your first home and you've gone all out on the flat pack option, then this isn't really applicable to you, although it's important to see whether the furniture can be lifted out of the room if need be, once assembled. If you're buying solid furniture, of it's already been assembled and you're moving it from one house to another, then make sure the items you have can fit in doorways and up stairs (think back to the sofa on that stairs incident in Friends). This will make moving object so much easier when the time comes.

4 | Have a rough room plan idea

Before you buy furniture or seek to move your existing stuff in, make sure you're aware of the room measurements so you can plan in advance with regards to where everything is going to go once you're in. This not only makes it easier for you, but it also makes the removal men's jobs a lot easier as well. The less faffing they have to do, the less your items will be handled which could also mean a reduced risk of damage.

5 | Pack a box full of essentials

This is going to be the first box you bring into the new house, why? Because it'll contain all the essential items you need for a long few days of unpacking and stress. In the box, you should look to pack things like:
  • A kettle
  • Tea/coffee
  • Squash/juice
  • Snacks
  • Phone chargers
  • Remote controls
  • Toothpaste
  • A toilet roll
  • Toiletries
  • One change of clothing
  • A few pieces of cutlery (or the set depending on circumstances)
If you think you'll need it on the day, or if you need to know where a certain thing is as soon as possible, pack in the essentials box so you can dig it out easily at the other end.

6 | Make your bed as early as you can

Trust me, you'll thank yourself at the end of a long, stressful day of packing, moving and unpacking again only to repeat the process several more times. The last thing you want to be doing at the end of a long, tiring day is make your bed, especially if it's a double (we've all been there, changing double bed sheets is not the one). Do yourself a favour and have a nice, inviting bed ready to sink into at the end of a long, laborious day.


I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Let me know what tips you have for moving house by leaving them in the comment section below. I will see you again very soon with a brand new, very exciting blog post for you all :)






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