Things I Loved in July

I know I probably say this at the start of every monthly favourites, but HOW is it AUGUST already? I just can't believe how fast this year is going, it's kinda scary. But with every new month comes a blog post about everything I've loved over the last four weeks and I really look forward to doing those. There hasn't been a whole lot this month for me to write about, but there have been a few things that have stuck out in my mind so I'e listed those below.

Clarkson's Farm

Jeremy Clarkson is a controversial figure. I wasn't really one for watching Top Gear, but I like him as the new Who Wants to be a Millionaire host. So when I saw the rave reviews about his new farm show, I thought I'd give it a watch. I started it with an open mind but it really turned out to be just brilliant. It's the first farming show I've watched that details the hard, raw and difficult truths about farming in Britain - the good, the bad and the ugly.

It's not graphic, for example, but it really does make you appreciate every single farmer just that little bit more. I never understood exactly how difficult running a farm and living off the land was and it truly breaks my heart to think our British farmers are putting in extreme amounts of effort for very little reward. 

But aside from it being a hard-hitting docu-series about the trials and tribulations of the average farmer, it's actually very entertaining and it's wonderfully edited, too. Overall, I came away from it being very impressed, despite going into it not knowing what to expect. If you have Amazon Prime, then you should totally give it a watch. I'll also leave a link to the trailer here, just in case you want to get a feel for it. Season 2 is due to come out in November, and I cannot wait!

Chocolate porridge

A strange one, I know, but it's actually delicious! I'm not really a big porridge fan, but I find it's the most effective breakfast after a morning run in terms of restoring my energy levels and filling up my tummy. Not only is this flavour rich and tasty, but it's also got nutritional value, like any porridge. I don't eat it on the days when I'm not running, but I do look forward to it :)

Keeping a fitness diary

I never used to keep a diary when it came to fitness. I used to write down my weight and measurements but it started to get obsessive so I stopped. Instead, I switched my focus to noting down how I felt during and after a run, even noting down the temperature and weather conditions at the time. I only do this on Strava, however, so that it can always be linked back to a specific run. I find this to be more productive than focusing on weight, measurements and calorie intake.

Gym Shark running shorts

Something else that's linked to running, but these really have been a game changer in terms of running in hot weather, especially over the heatwave that lasted a week. I don't know why I didn't buy a pair of these before, because they're actually super comfortable and breathable. The thing I hate is when shorts ride up, but because their figure-hugging design, this never happens. So I get to be comfy and keep my dignity intact at the same time, haha.

Ice water

Linked to the hot weather, again, but cold water has always been a go-to beverage for me. Not only does it keep me hydrated, but it also has health benefits in terms of ensuring a faster metabolism, although that's not the sole reason why I drink it. It also fills me up so I find I'm snacking less as a result, not to mention, who doesn't love a glass of cold water on a scorching hot day?


I hope you enjoyed this blog post! Let me know in the comments below what you've loved throughout July. Are any of your favourites the same as mine? I'll see you again soon with a brand new blog post!






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