6 Benefits of Moving Away for University

Going to university is an incredibly proud moment in your life, I know, and it can be difficult moving away from your family for the course you want, but it's often a necessary evil. It might be tempting for you to stay in the comfort of your family home, but there are actually several benefits of moving away for university that you might not have thought about, so I'm on hand to discuss those with you today so that know you're making the right decision to move away from home for university.

You'll get to meet new people

It's an entirely new experience and a completely different place than you're possibly used to, especially if you move to a new city for uni. With that comes the excitement of meeting new people and that can often be one of those times where you meet your friends for life. But then again, you might not do.

There are loads of times where you'll meet friends that remain friends for the duration of your time there and that's perfectly ok. But the important thing is you made new friendships and relationships while you were there and it's something, or someone, that you'll always remember, no matter how long that friendship lasts for.

It's far more convenient

Imagine having to commute on the train or having to trundle down the M1 during rush hour to get to your 9am lecture. It's not ideal, especially if your parents live a considerable time away. Living in at university, whether it be a house, flat or halls, makes it so much easier for attending lectures, making friends and being able to make those nights out with your newfound mates. Trust me, you'll find it so much more straightforward to live around the corner.

Independence is pretty much guaranteed

Living with parents can be very restricting. You have to be home by a certain time and you aren't allowed to stay out super late. If you miss the time you should be home your parents start panicking and calling you left, right and centre. It's not something you need when you're trying to enjoy yourself, experience something different and make new friends. You'll have all the independence you need if you live in at university, trust me!

More space is available to study

At home, you might be sharing a bedroom or an office space with your parents who are working from home. It's not the most ideal environment to study in, especially at university because your studies get that much more in-depth than they used to be at A-Level.

You'll have lots of text books lying around and notepads, not to mention pens, pencils and felt-tips. You need a dedicated work space and almost all of the university accommodation these days will come with a desk you can use that's meant just for you.

It will give you an opportunity to learn new skills

When I say learn new skills, I mean cooking, cleaning and doing your own washing. You won't learn if you're one of those people who goes home every week with washing for their parents to do. Life skills are imperative for the future, no matter what you're hoping to do. So make sure you get as much out of the experience as possible, it's too much of a good opportunity to miss out on.

Cook some meals, do your own laundry, pay your own bills and buy your own food. You might need parents to help you financially, so if they give you money for food and bills, then make sure you budget it. Budgeting money is essential for everyday life after uni, so get some practice in now while you have some help.

You're likely to appreciate your family more

If you spend time away from your family, then you'll learn to appreciate them far more than when you were living with them. This might sound a bit harsh, but it's true. When you're at home, your parents can, sometimes, feel suffocating, and that's going to get on your nerves after a while.

If you're away and independent, living your own life, then you'll learn to appreciate what they do for you when you are at home. Perhaps offer to help cook the dinner and don't bring your washing home for your mum or dad to do. 


I hope you found this blog post useful? Let me know in the comments below whether you're moving away for university and I'll see you again very soon with a brand new blog post.




